👾CH. 38👾

139 11 5

"How's she doing?"

"Oh Sir, good morning. I was just about to come searching for you! There's news about the girl."

"Oh? What is it?"

"We did an X-ray scan on her and her leg is paralysed. Her left arm, in particular, is showing signs of paralysis, though it hasn't developed completely. The muscles are not receiving signals from the brain. It might be temporary, but I still think you should come to check as well."

"Paralysis?? That's oddly abrupt... okay, let's do a CT scan to confirm this. Or has that already been applied?"

"It has sir. Though, we might also need to increase her nutrient and liquids. Her body is growing malnourished. She's growing weak."

"Then what are you waiting for?? Get onto that immediately!"



"Yahhh," Hoseok gasped as he jolted on his spot when another trap was triggered from ahead of them.

"I'm starting to believe that all the traps from that Snake has been purposely laid out in our path specifically, to stop us from getting out," He scowled irritably.

Wonho sighed, equally annoyed, "I think so, too." He frowned, turning to look back, specifically at Namjoon as he carried Diana.

Turning back ahead, he trudged forward, ushering others to continue on as well, "We're almost out of this density." He announced, determined to find a more spacious clearance outside of the thick vegetation of this forest.

"You said that about ten minutes ago," Jungkook groaned.

The sun was right over-head by now, and the thick canopies was the only thing the boys were grateful for at the moment as it avoided having them directly under the bright beams of the sun, blasting its heat.

The water source was slowly ceasing as everyone consumed some more along the way to hydrate themselves. The food was beginning to lessen as well, however the boys all continued to push through further, reminding themselves that at the end of it, they'll be able to return to the real world and it's worth it.

They'll have to simply begin to strategise how much each of them should consume to save up for later times along the journey.

Everyone came across plenty of traps. Fortunately, they began to grow more accustomed to its sudden appearance upon being triggered and didn't stop long enough before proceeding ahead.


"Oh, Thank god!" Jin hollered when everyone pushed passed the density and stumbled into a more spacious clearing within the forest area.

"Look! A pond!!" Jimin beamed. Wonho hummed, "I wouldn't collect water from there. It has algae and most probably a lot of bacteria just swimming inside." He shot down the building idea planting within the others' mind as their expressions brightened.

He didn't pay much mind for being the cause of breaking their relief as they snapped their head his way to give him a deadpan look.

"Way to shatter our hope for more water." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"It's a good thing we reached here, though. The sun is ready to leave the sky soon." Hoseok pointed out, letting out a small grunt as he plopped onto the grassy ground.

The thick canopies that they were all used to being sheltered under through the journey so far, had broken apart to give a clear view of the sky.

Wonho strode straight towards Namjoon, who held Diana close to himself as he cradled her. The rapper's eyes landed on the elder as he approached with purposeful strides, a confused frown making itself apparent on his features as Wonho came to a stop in front of him.

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