👾CH. 7👾

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I scribbled on the paper I've been adding details to for the past few days, circling certain spots and expanding it onto another piece of paper I stuck beside it.

If it wasn't already clear what I'm currently doing at the moment, I'm working on building a map of the forest. I've only drawn a (sort of) rough layout of all the areas I've visited and frequented to, and circled areas I found certain treasures, as well as the spawning point.

"So this is what you're doing."

I jumped on my seat and looked up, seeing Jungkook peer over my shoulder to examine my in-progress map. "How in the teleporting nonsense—?"

"I knocked on your door but you didn't answer so I invited myself in." Jungkook shrugged, answering the question I didn't even get to finish asking.

He opened up to me and Jin fairly fast. It was almost like an overnight kind of thing for his shyness to go away. He chose the highest tree house on his first night, which was just across mine but leading up a few steps of stairs.

He especially bickered a lot with Jin. It was just 2 to 3 times on the second day before he just did it out of the fun of it, not getting bored of the childish energy Jin exerted when he 'played' with Jungkook, matching his own energy that he seems to absorb every second of the day.

"I heard you were alone for 2 months. Maybe even more. It must've been lonely, right?" Jungkook asked, his tone softening at the thought. I paused my scribbling on paper and turned to Jungkook who settled himself at the edge of my bed.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry, you must not like talking about it, huh?" He grimaced. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything. Hyung just... well, he didn't deliberately tell me. It slipped out when we went on a pointless conversation about who's been here the longest and that the longest who stayed here is deemed the strongest." He explained in a rush, not wanting to put Jin in a bad light for revealing something I'm not really happy to talk about.

"Obviously, now we all know who... is the strongest..." He looked down at his feet, feeling embarrassed at my lack of reaction and expression towards him, maybe even at his own words.

I bit at my lip, letting myself think back to my lonely days without any company. It's not exactly something I'm sensitive to. I just think I'll get the unnecessary pity for my situation.

Jungkook doesn't seem like he'd openly express that, so I decided that there's no reason I can't bring it up. I did it with Jin. What's to say I can't with him, either?

Even if we've known each other just recently.

"You have no idea how helpless and lonely I felt those 2 months." I let out an empty laugh, smiling sadly at Jungkook, who perked up at my voice. "Everyday I wondered for how long will I go without any company. If I ever will get any at all." I shrugged, plopping my head onto my hand for support as I looked back at my miserable time alone.

~ Jungkook POV ~

I really do have no idea. It must've felt horrible, I can't even imagine being on my own in the wild like this, without anyone to help guide me. I'd probably still be freaking out about getting sucked into a game.

She must've had to do everything on her own. No wonder she's gotten so familiar with her way in the forest. It's almost like an automatic mechanism to routinely go in there to search for something. For a clue on how to get out and go back to our homes. She probably had to hunt for food herself, cook herself and even tend to her injuries herself.

When I first saw her, the scar running up the back of her hand was the first thing I noticed, which honestly scared me to look at. All the food in the pantry was brought in by her, too.

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