👾CH. 21👾

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"This is getting out of hand!" Yoongi bellowed at the boys before him, having brought them by the river to talk to them separately. Diana was working through her books in her cabin, remaining clueless about their little meeting.

"She- She's forgetting more and more, everyday!" He continued, disgruntled. "We need to find a way out," he urged.

"Hyung we've been searching everyday in the forest to do that. Jungkook and Diana go in there and search for hours on end." Namjoon sighed, trying to reason with Yoongi, who was beginning to grow more aggravated.

Yoongi however, still grew more distressed, "Joon-ah, we need to speed things up, now. We need to get out sooner, before it gets to the point where she begins to forget us!" He exclaimed.

"Wait- us? Why would she forget us?!" Jungkook interjected, eyes growing wide anxiously. Yoongi's eyes grew glossy at that.

Hoseok tensed at that, brows furrowing in utter concern, "Hyung, what do you mean by that? Why would Diana forget about us? We've never met in the real world for that to happen. Didn't we conclude that all she's forgetting is from the real world?" He asked hesitantly.

Yoongi hissed in a breath, nibbling at his lips while shifting his weight from one leg to another, feeling restless, "She's..- She's forgotten that I write music. She's forgetting things about me." He revealed and looked at the ground with deep frown, hearing the others soft, sharp gasps.

Silence fell over for a moment before Jimin broke it, "Jin hyung! Where are you going?" He questioned out loud, reaching over for the said man that began rushing back towards the camp.

Yoongi snapped his head up, gaze fixating on the eldest male who pushed past their figures with hard eyes. "Hyung!" Jungkook called out, though the male didn't let up, eyes glaring at the maknae who blocked his path, "What will you do? Diana has already forgotten about what happened just yesterday! She might cry again if we remind her about her memory loss." He frowned, eyes growing sad at the thought.

"Move! This can't be true, she won't- she can't forget!" Jin insisted, shifting to move past the bulkier male.

~ Jin POV ~

I didn't bother to reply to their calls as I rushed to her cabin. She can't forget! We've been together the longest! She can't forget about me! I won't allow it!!

As I reached her door, I swiftly pushed it open. "Gee willickers! Oh my god, Jinnie you scared me!" I paused as I noticed her flinch on her seat, eyes blown wide in surprise at my sudden entrance. Without wasting another second, I took large steps in, closing the distance between us and pulled her out of her seat; bringing her into a hug I so desperately wanted to engulf her in.


I shushed her, not wanting to explain the reason behind this sudden gesture I pulled her in. I felt grateful when she simply let out a breath against my chest, returning my embrace, unconsciously rubbing my back in silent comfort despite not knowing for what.

I exhaled softly and buried my face into the gap between her shoulder and neck, keeping a close hold of her. "Are you alright?" She mumbled gently against my neck and I simply hummed, not willing to voice this out just yet. I don't want to frighten her with what I know and what she has become clueless of.

I took in a shaky breath, feeling a lump at the back of my throat with the thought of her potentially forgetting about me. It was a devastating thought and it pained me to even begin to imagine what would happen then.

Will I have to reintroduce myself to her? Will I lose the first nickname she gave me? Will she forget the bond we've built together? After so long? Will I even be able to regain the same bond we built if she forgets?

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