👾CH. 39👾

116 13 5

"I'm... not hungry..." I blurted out with a wince.

"Eh??" Hoseok frowned worriedly, "Sunflower, you need to eat something! Not even one bite??" He exclaimed.

I cringed slightly at the sight of food, "Just the smell of it is making my guts uneasy... I can't, I'm sorry." I shook my head.

I really can't help it. I can guarantee that I'd just puke what I digested straight back out of my mouth. And the mere thought of potentially puking till I was panting like a dog made me keep a firm resolve and made me remain stubborn as I refused to take a bite from approaching hands holding the foods to my lips.

"The reason you feel sick can also be because you're moving on an empty stomach, sweetheart." Yoongi tried, his concern evident within his eyes.

"At least try one bite, even if it irks you. We won't try to make you eat more if it doesn't work out." Taehyung piped, shifting to sit by my side.

I involuntarily flushed as I looked at him, quickly looking away with a soft clearing of my throat. I screamed internally when Jimin gave me a knowing gaze, clearly holding back a devious smirk upon my sudden show of fluster.

That boi better keep his pretty little lips shut. I can't believe he's not even the slightest bit shy about what occurred last night. His fookin' face was smushed behind my neck and only the universe knows how I survived that whole night and even managed to get some sleep.

Taehyung circled an arm over my shoulder, shifting me close to his side with an innocent smile holding reassurance as his other hand held up a small bite. The fluttery feeling subsided upon setting my eyes on the food, my stomach twisting uneasily and signalling me that it wouldn't stay in.

I grimaced, scrunching my nose in distaste. With a scowl, I leaned away from the approaching bite with a grumble, choosing to shove his arm away from around my shoulders as he kept me in place.

"Ahhh," he pressed expectantly. With a deep intake of breath, and much effort and will, I opened my mouth. I began to chew slowly, cautiously, and squirmed uncomfortably as I made an attempt to swallow.

I knew Jin was watching me closely, his posture indicating that he was ready to pull me away in case I felt like puking.

I gulped it down with a grimace, already feeling the growing need to empty it back out. I slowly brought one hand to cover my mouth, my face twisting in panic and disgust as the need to vomit grew. I shook my head furiously, pushing my entire physique away from the circle we made around the few dishes remaining.

I extended my hand up for Jin as he rushed to his feet and grabbed my arm, hoisting me up to my feet and helping me to a corner so I didn't put pressure on my sprained foot.

With a few empty gags, I finally let it out. I coughed and my body shook from my choked convulses.

"It's okay, dear." Jin sighed sadly, patting my back as I was crouching down, breathing heavily as my head bowed down with a grimace painted on my face.

He readily held out a cup of water, resuming his patting whilst I gargled and took small leisure sips of water. Jin crouched down beside me, leaning forward to catch the view of my twisted face whilst I caught my breath and calmed my trembling hands as I clasped them together after putting down the cup.

My eyes zero-ing on my clothed stomach with dismay. Jin helped me back up to my feet and he paused for a moment before gasping in shock. With a confused tilt of my head at his sudden reaction, I glanced down to where he stared and furrowed my brows.

"D-Diana..!" He breathed out in a panic, catching the other boys' attention as they snapped their heads our way. I watched as he took a step closer and reached for the hem of my shirt that had stuck up a little from being crunched up in a little bundle from my crouched position.

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