👾CH. 37👾

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"Sir, the count has stopped."

"As in?"

"I believe the copies of this game ran out. There are no more new victims reported and turned in."

"Well, that's good, isn't it?"

"The concerning part is that it stopped as soon as it had come to our notice that we were running out of slots and rooms for more patients, sir..."

"It could merely be a coincidence."

"The very last patient had a note in their jean pocket before coming in, actually."

"Really? What did the note say?"

"Something along the lines of 'I'll be generous' in printed letters."


"I don't think we should brush this off, sir."



"Diana~" A voice cooed in a hushed tone, gently nudging me to stir awake.

I let out a low groan, squirming on my spot before laying flat on my back and drifting into sleep again. I felt a frown plaster on my face when I felt another nudge disturb my sleep.

"Darling, it's your time to take the shift," Taehyung crooned persistently, brushing away the stray hairs on my face before I finally fluttered my eyes open.

I squinted at the darkness before my gaze shifted onto his figure sitting beside my frame, a soft, apologetic smile on his face once he noticed I was awake.

I gave him a sleepy smile back, bringing one hand up to rub at my eyes whilst he watched silently. I guess it's my shift...

"I'm sorry, I would've elongated my shift a bit more, but I might just fall asleep sitting up." He sheepishly admitted.

I shook my head dismissively, "No, don't worry about it..." I groggily mumbled, swallowing before propping my upper body up leisurely with my elbows.

"You can go back to sleep, Taetae." I smiled lazily at him while he smiled back all fond and warm, pressing a lingering kiss to my temple, making my cheeks unconsciously flush at the sweet gesture, "Here's the torch light. And your sword, just in case." He pointed, placing the items on the ground beside me before getting up and walking over towards his sleeping spot beside kook.

I rubbed my eyes again to rid the sleepiness out before finally letting out a yawn as I sat up more upright.

I glanced down and gingerly grabbed Yoongi's arm still hanging onto my frame from where he laid before placing it beside himself so that I can get up without stirring him awake on accident.

I looked at the two items and grabbed them each in my hands. Switching the torch on, I winced at the sudden shine of light before making it face the floor so the brightness didn't beam everywhere. I didn't need to ruin everyone else's sleep.

I peered up at the sky, narrowing my eyes to look past the gaps in between the canopy laying over our heads, noticing the moon had just barely shifted away from its highest peak.

'Taehyung did his best.' I chortled lowly at my thought, recollecting what he said about trying to stay up passed his shift time to favour how much sleep I get. What a sweetheart.

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