👾CH. 35👾

133 14 7

This is the part into the story where I begin to question the direction of my plot :,)
Way to go meeee


I grumbled as I turned on my spot, not appreciating the sudden noise and pressed my face into my pillow with a soft groan.


I brought my thin cover over my head and squeezed my eyes shut in annoyance. I felt someone pull my covers down and tucked it around my neck before caressing my head. Heaving out a content sigh, I slowly drifted back to a more unconscious state of mind before letting out an indignant huff of breath after another yell resounded past the entrance.

I heard Jin chuckle fondly from beside me, urging me to take a small peak. I fluttered my eyes open and felt my lips tug upwards into a soft sleepy smile as he peered down at me.


I grew tremendously more awake than I previously was at that sudden yell mentioning me. Jin's smile dropped as well and his eyes hardened, glancing towards the halfway open entrance of the cave, where the yells resounded.

I immediately recalled the moments of last night and turned to my back, propping myself up with the help of my hands and let out a yawn. I blinked leisurely and noticed how the cave lacked six particular boys.

No one else was inside except for me and Jin. So everyone else was most likely outside. I didn't hear any replies to the yelling... were they just watching that man whilst he was tied up?

Jin patted down my hair and watched as I blinked up at him with a small frown. He got the silent question my gaze gave him and sighed, "They're all outside trying to get answers out of that guy. He's been constantly bugging everyone and dodging their questions with his own, he's quite intent and persistent on knowing about you and your well being." He briefed.


I directed a wary look towards the outside, past this cave, knowing I'll come face-to-face with the male.

Wonho was his name, right?

Jin rolled his eyes at my stare as I wordlessly pointed towards the exit. He gave me a reluctant look but nodded either way, following closely after me as I crawled with my knees towards the exit.

I noticed that it was still way too early in the morning considering the sun was yet to show up. How long was everyone up for?

I glanced towards Jin who motioned towards my crutch, to which I gratefully accepted before he helped me to my feet, adjusting the crutch under my arm before letting go.


I shuffled ahead with a wary look, gulping a little at the sight of the large male held captive against the tree branch looking frantic and angry.

When his gaze met mine, I had to take a double look when he visibly sagged and his piercing gaze softened into one of relief. The boys ahead with their backs to me noticed his change of demeanour and turned to notice me standing timidly.

"Diana," Wonho breathed out and I nodded with a conflicted frown, "uh..., Wonho.." I mumbled back unsurely.

Jungkook scoffed loudly, alongside Jimin who was looking super scary with his glare.

I shuddered at the sight of his cold stare directed towards an unaffected male who still stared my way.

That's some fearlessness I can only wish to achieve.

"Please help me out, Ana," He pleaded hopefully and I frowned more deeply. What is up with this guy? How does he even know me??

Namjoon gritted out warningly, "For the hundredth time, for fucks sake-" He stepped forward, taking the tied up male's attention away from me. "-What is your motive? Who are you and how do you know her?" He probed.

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