👾CH. 40👾

121 13 4

This story has progressed way more than my previous book lmaoooo 😭😭


I tried to consol Hoseok as he sat stuck to the ground with incredulity and fear in his eyes. He shook his head firmly, keeping his ground and disdain towards the current situation at hand.

"Hoseok-ssi, We need to cross this. It's the shortest way to the cave." Wonho sighed softly, trying to reason with the frightened male.

Hoseok scoffed disbelievingly, "I'm not about to rely my entire life on that jump!! We're too high and we don't even know if this shit is in golden condition! The fabric could be torn for all we know!!!" He countered.

Wonho shook his head immediately, "It isn't. Trust me, these bags haven't been touched and are going to work perfectly fine. I swear." He vowed earnestly.

Let me recount how we got here...

Soon after we dodged passed the traps laid out on our path to our exit, Wonho announced for us to take our route rightward. We were all confused, but followed his instructions with an underlying ominous feeling because we had stuck to walking as straight as the horizon line since the beginning.

He called for Jungkook specifically later on after we had trudged rightwards to carry on from that point. I have no clue why he called kook specifically but I couldn't help but send that man a death glare for sending me into a flustered frenzy by being shifted into his strong arms. Wonho didn't even hide his devious grin, so very ready to hand me over to an all too eager bunny boy.

It didn't exactly help that Jungkook's eyes were sparkling like the starry night and he had acted out the cutest grabby hands when I had bashfully stretched my arms his way as Wonho loosened his grip around me.

Jungkook had his own muscular arms wrapped fairly strongly around me while I adjusted my grip around his neck and tightened my legs over his hips, keeping myself up whilst he circled his arm securely around me. Almost protectively, which made me feel oddly giddy...

I had completely surrendered in defeat ever since I had given up on fighting over the fact that I can still carry myself ahead. Although the forest wasn't as dense and packed up with vegetation at this point, the ground however, still grew rocky and rough. So it made it hard for me to keep myself up without nearly toppling over. It's also because nearly all of them had told me to let any of them carry me until we reach a more proper grounding where I don't risk falling over. Yeah, well I think a proper ground will arrive anytime soon...

I'm side tracking... ANYWAY-

Wonho then jogged ahead of our group, taking the lead and he began to actively look around from one side to the other. Meanwhile, all of us were slowing down our pace as curiosity and worry grew. We all wondered what he was looking for. Did he sense some creature nearby??

Was it an Olfstin? Or that snake???

Nope. Nada.

He had soon stopped in his tracks and snapped his head upwards, looking at the branches of one particularly slim, but tall tree. A few of the guys voiced their questions about what he was looking for before falling silent as Wonho began to climb expertly up the tree.

I watched with wide, intrigued eyes as he effortlessly climbed further up, eventually disappearing from my view behind the leaves over us. After a few more silent moments of standing and waiting, he exlcaimed about finding something before sliding down the branch, having a good 4-5 white-coloured bags slung over his shoulders in a haste before he landed on the ground with an appeased grin.

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