👾CH. 10👾

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"For the love of god, woman, your back hasn't healed completely, yet! What are you doing by the river?! We talked about this!" Jin's voice rang about and reached my ears as it grew louder and he came closer.

I huffed out a breath, "The pain is gone, my back is fine, and the sun is shining like it always does. All is good, sweets." I dragged out my words as I pulled at the hem of my pants to push them further up from getting wet by the water I stood in.

"Why the hell are you hunting for more fish?! We have enough to last another month!" Jin exclaimed and I yelped after the sound of splashing water made its way from behind me before Jin's arms wrapped around my waist, scaring me half to death.

"Jin!" I shouted, gripping at his arms as he carried me out of the water and set me to my feet on the dry ground.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Jin tsked while I whined childishly as he dragged me by the arms towards the camp, where the other two men sat, amusement clear in their grinning faces.

"What about my shoes?? I wasn't even fishing!" I groaned out, leaning away to stop him from dragging me across the ground.

"Yeah, I can see why I'm older than her." Taehyung's voice chimed and I directed a dirty look his way. He simply snickered at my reaction before turning back to a cackling Jungkook who agreed to his statement.

"I was looking at the ground underwater and scaring away the fishes that blocked my sight!" I whined as Jin finally stopped his dragging before making me sit by the fire pit. "For what?" Jin raised a brow. I pouted, "I don't know... some clue probably hidden underwater that would give us some lead to getting out. The biggest lead is sometimes where we already are, you know. The biggest lead could be right here. So I decided to check the waters." I grumbled.

Jin sighed as he crouched in front of me to meet my lowered gaze. "We will get out, Diana. There's no doubt about that. But you need to completely heal before jumping to your quests. We don't want your cut to suddenly rip open, now do we?" He asked as if he was trying to convince a stubborn child.

Well, I guess I am one right now.

I shook my head, "That wouldn't be very appealing..." I agreed and Jin nodded, "Yeah, it wouldn't, huh?" Jin continued as I agreed to his words reluctantly. I do not need another bedding to happen to myself for a wound that can't hold itself together.

I sighed, "Fine, I'll take it.. more easy with myself..." I complied under Jin's expectant eyes. Jin smiled victoriously, "Excellent! Now be a good girl, and stay put. It's almost lunch time anyway." Jin stood up from his crouched position in front of me before he gave my head a pat.

"Yeah, yeah." I huffed, swatting at his hands that continued to pat my head. Jin clicked his tongue before disappearing into his upgraded kitchen + pantry space that was previously a storage cabin.

"Diana, you can be such a child sometimes." Jungkook tutted at me from his spot by the lit up fire-pit.

(A/N: aight just to clarify, when I mention the fire-pit, it doesn't have to be lit up with flames. I mention it during the day time as well. There's no need for it unless it's about food :P plus I'd specifically mention it if it was)

I stuck my tongue out at him, earning one back from him. I scoffed at his response, "Speak for yourself, child." I emphasised my word in the end before letting my gaze set back on the food Jin brought out. Uncooked meat ready to be cooked by the fire in the middle.

"You know, I still find killing those pigs super weird since all I need to do is give them one slash and they transform into a giant pile of meat before my eyes." Jin shuddered, setting up the meat beside him before he began to cook them by the flames.

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