👾CH. 51👾

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Rewrote this piece of work so many times, i was this🤌 close to announcing a writers block out of irritation and frustration 💀💀

I pulled through tho! Hehe~

(Jk's feelings are mine as I struggle to write this chapter lolol)

~ Jungkook's POV ~

I watched in great frustration as my hyungs remained half-present. Their thoughts had taken them into a dark spiral, but they still trudged around in search of the exit - something they've been assuming doesn't exist anymore.

My frown remained prominent and expressive as I stayed still in my spot, viewing Jimin hyung and Yoongi hyung circling Diana, her dazed stature still ongoing and we seemed to lose her a bit more as time ticked away. It only served to induce more fear in everyone's hearts.

However, I refused to lose hope so easily. I will never step closer to giving up. And I can't let them cross that line either. I don't surrender. I never will.

"Can we please just.. stop? For a moment can we please sit in one spot and gather ourselves?" I pleaded loudly, watching as my hyungs turned my way as my voice resounded in the brightly lit cave. They nodded mutely, which served to only frustrate me more at the silence, the loss of voice and lack of will to fight their way through.

I followed after them as they silently gathered in a circle and sat down, so easily complying to my request. No one resisted, saying that they must search more. No one protested to keep looking and not waste time.

I couldn't help but send Wonho hyung a pointed look, feeling the most put-off by his lack of effort for these moments. A so-called Guardian so easily wilted to lose hope for the one he needs to protect? Can he really call himself a Guardian after this show - or lack there of?

I sat down as well, closing the open circle as I regarded them all in front of me, awaiting what I wanted to say.

What I need to say.

"Is that it? We're just going to walk around half-assed? You'll just glance around at a spot and assume our way out is simply not there? Is this the time to lose hope? We should be ten times more determined! You're allowing Diana to continue to suffer with this game's cruel ministrations! I can't believe you're allowing this!!" My voice raised halfway through my confrontation, expressing my anger and frustration.

When no one spoke, I continued, "She said that she saw our exit! She saw it! Has no one bothered to piece this together?! The moment we come this close to getting out, suddenly Wonho, -" my tone holds some bite as I address him, before my glare rounded at everyone else who perked up at my informal tone, "- He feels that the area is unsafe, he suddenly blurts out that this place is flooded by mobs and yet not even one has bothered to show up? Suddenly Diana is in some sort of unbreakable haze and is no longer with the ability to help as she loses herself? Can you not put the dots together?" I felt aggravated, growing so incredibly frustrated as they looked at me mutely.

"Say something!!"

I finally screamed, boiling rage igniting my insides whilst they flinched and straightened, a stern look over their previously blank expression that only made me scoff.

Sure, correct my informality and not your useless hopelessness.

"Yah, he's older tha—"

"-You know what? I kinda don't give two shits, right now!" I cut through Yoongi hyung's firm tone.

I stood to my feet, glaring down at them as they gaped at my snappy demeanour. I'll fucking show you snappy, alright.

"This is not the time nor place to contemplate whether everything we've done till this point was unavailing or not! You can't possibly expect a sudden miracle to pop up out of thin air and gift it to us? When did we ever receive that from this world? All we got were a limited supply of weapons and medical equipment. They were meant for our stay in the wilderness, not for our journey out of here. Get yourself together and stop mopping about as if it's helping any!" I snapped, speaking with my whole chest to pierce my point across their hopelessness. They need to get out of this damn stupor of pessimism. It's useless and inconvenient. I'm sick of it.

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