👾CH. 16👾

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"He's the artist, that taller man. His roommate was found laying limply beside him on their living room couch when a friend found them. Jackson was his name, I believe?" A woman informed and the doctors nodded.

"His fans somehow found out about his state and some of them are causing a scene by the main entrance of the hospital. Fortunately, we've got security to handle the situation. Namjoon-ssi and Yoongi-ssi's family members and friends are waiting outside." She continued on.

"What about the girl in the other room?" The doctor questioned, manoeuvring around the room to check their vitals as he listens to the nurse present in the room.

The nurse sighed, "She's stable but there's no sign of her waking up anytime soon, sir." She stated. "What do you plan to do with these cases?" She asked when she noticed the man pause to think through something.

"I think we should try defibrillation."

The nurse frowned immediately at the suggestion, "Sir, that could hurt RM-ssi. That could push his heart to pump irregularly. He's a healthy man despite being in some sort of coma, it's a risky procedure to take." She stated. The doctors nodded, "I know that, dear. But isn't it the same with all the other patients in this room?"

"Why with him, though?"

"Our facility is being pressured to bring him back to health as soon as possible. His fans are worried and are already making and signing petitions to help prioritise his case and bring him back to his own feet. Not to mention that his family demand that we put all our focus into bringing him back as well. Though he's healthy and nourished, if we don't even take one attempt to try and help wake them, then we have no clue for how long they'll stay unconscious." He reasoned.

The nurse pursed her lips unsurely. "Bring the others here, let's try this once and if it doesn't work, we stop. I know you're his fan, too. We're doing this to help them and this is the first bigger attempt we make to succeed, okay?" He assured and the nurse sighed, then nodded.

"I'll inform the others and make sure a room is prepared to set action to the plan."



"Just shine the light a bit more to the right, Joonie. Yep, that's it." I instructed as I carefully traced on the paper that just barely showed a silhouette of something unidentifiable.

"What is that?" He crunched his nose once I finished tracing and told him it was done.

"I have no idea." I responded before I decided that filling in the shape would help better.

I was wrong.

It just looks like an irregular, black-coloured shape of a beat up, rip-off of a regular circle that got bonked by hammers, stretched like soft rubber, and then poked around before being pinched around flatter areas to make pointy ends. Many pointy ends.

It didn't resemble anything - to put it simply.

Joon groaned, "Man, this game is cruel." He sighed before plopping onto his bed, "This sucks." He voiced and I hummed.

I can't even tell what sort of animal aspects this creature holds. Is it like curled up into a ball?? It's so spiky :/

It reminds me of a hedgehog to be completely honest.

It reminds me of a hedgehog to be completely honest

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