👾CH. 43👾

109 15 11

I'm back!~ 🥰❤️✨

"Will you return back to Daegu after we get out?"

Yoongi turned to face me whilst we laid down under the shade of the cave we sheltered ourselves for a day.

"What makes you think that?" He asked curiously.

I shrugged nonchalantly. The thought simply popped up in my mind and I voiced it out without really pondering over it.

We both were pretty much basking in the silence that came to play after the rest of the men disappeared behind the forest's vegetation to hunt for food. We were laying side-by-side with our arms supporting the back of our heads to cushion it.

Yoongi hummed softly under his breath, resorting to closing his eyes whilst facing upwards. "I've settled with Joon-ah in Seoul. I might occasionally go back to visit, but I won't leave for good." He responded in a mumble. I nodded subtly at that.

"Why, will you miss me if I did?" He smiled teasingly and I unintentionally grew pink at that question. Clearing my throat a little, I couldn't really deny that, "Yes," I muttered in a hushed tone. I peeked to gauge his reaction and pursed my lips when noticing him completely turn his face my way, displaying a warm, lazy grin in response. "Good. I can't let that be one-sided." He said softly.

I coughed as my cheeks flushed even more, "Don't say stuff like that..." I murmured, flustered. He quirked a brow, "Hm?" He pressed curiously. I decidedly diverted my gaze from him, intending to keep my eyes occupied with the view of the cave walls instead. "You know... I might get the wrong idea." I revealed timidly.

I turned back to look at him at the sound of shuffling. I noticed him prop his upper body up with his elbow, his frame twisting my way to make him lay on his side whilst he peered at me with an expression I can't quite pinpoint, nor read.

It honestly made me feel a bit conscious of myself as his eyes drank in the sight of me with a serious glint. I gulped subconsciously before I waited with a belated breath as he opened his mouth to speak.

Did he get what I was implying?? Is this the moment I realise my boundaries? That I should stop before it's too late?

"Do you..." he trailed, suddenly displaying a nervous demeanour, clear uncertainty dulling his glittering eyes from outrightly asking the lingering words stuck at the tip of his tongue. With the change in the mood, I chose to sit up amidst the silence, thinking over what to do or say next since he seemed to come to a pause.

I bit my bottom lip in contemplation, wondering if I should just rid of my inner turmoil from the choice of my uncontrollable heart, and clear it up at least a fraction more since this opportunity was one that seemed appropriate enough to bring up.

I sucked in a deep breath, choosing to ease the building tension by holding his hands whilst he followed suit with positioning himself upright and crossing his legs in front of him just like me.

He blinked and gazed at me with a nervous nibble to his lips, allowing me to hold his hands in mine while I framed my words carefully.

"Yoongi," I began, pursing my lips at the shaky tremble that accompanied my voice. "Um..., I don't think I can find a more fitting time - as of yet - to say this but..." I exhaled shakily, feeling my rapid heart near the base of my throat now that I've finally confronted this feeling I couldn't bring myself to brush off for much longer.

Oh god... I'm really a wreck on the inside. I can hear myself screaming to shut up before I really do spill the beans. My heart was pounding unrelentingly hard in my chest.

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