👾CH. 12👾

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"Babe, watch your feet. You'll stab them instead of the fishes."

I huffed out a breath at Namjoon's words, clearly annoyed by the slippery little things that still continue to frustrate me since day one.

Fun fact: Since I began calling Namjoon as 'babe' ever since our very first interaction, he had jokingly called me 'babe' back. We basically act like a cringe couple to annoy everyone else for the fun of it. They always complain about us being too cliche and gross. It's actually hilarious.

"But, babeee," I stifled a laugh as I noticed Jungkook giving me a stank face behind Namjoon as he was making his way over to us. "They get on my nerves." I continued.

"Sorry Diana, I'm really clumsy. So don't expect me to help. I don't like seafood as it is." Namjoon chuckled. I let out a laugh this time, "I know. Thanks for keeping me company, anyway." I smiled.

"Oh good, you two stopped your stupid couple act." Jungkook grimaced.

I giggled, "Why? Do you want to be the one to have couple quarrels like ours?" I wiggled my brows and Jungkook crouched down beside the water to splash me, "I'm good." He replied with a smug smile.

I scoffed as my hair got wet from that and glared at the cheeky boy. "A 'no' would've sufficed as an answer, you brat." I grumbled and splashed him in return, grinning slyly as he stumbled onto his butt from the water on his face, not expecting to taste his own medicine. My smile faltered when I noticed Jungkook stick his tongue out to his cheek. That's when you realise you fucked up.

"I'm gonna go," Namjoon piped up, clearly wanting to stay dry. "You two have fun." He chuckled and scurried away, knowing the on coming chase game that will ensue.

I let out a scream full of fear when I noticed Jungkook rolling up his pants. He's getting in the water!!


"Stay where you are Bunny boy!" I yelled at him and stepped further into the shallow lake. I nearly tripped when I felt a fish grazing my ankle but held my ground. I cried out in misery when he didn't stay where he was and entered the water with eyes screaming 'you're in for it'.

"TAEHYUNG!!" I shrieked out and heard his distant laughter. His footsteps came closer and he peered over the edge of the lake as I walked further away from an approaching man-child.

"Where are you going, Ana?" Taehyung called out, "Ahhh away from this guy!" I pointed towards Jungkook who pushed through the water, more determined than ever.

"YAHH, you're getting too far into the water! Jungkook, Diana, get back here!" Jin's voice hollered in worry.

"They'll be fine." Yoongi chimed in, an amused smile plastered onto his face as he joined Taehyung's side to enjoy the scene.

"Come face me like a warrior, coward!" Jungkook grinned deviously and I shook my head furiously, the water already reaching my waist as I moved further. "Stay away from me, you man-child! Go spend your energy on something or someone else!!" I whined.

I was literally moving in the water for my life. Being chased is scary and I know I shouldn't find this so scary when a whole ass beast has chased me down twice before. It's just Jungkook's face held that shining glint in his eyes, taking my retreating figure as a challenge to capture and the smile on his face was that of a merciless devil I wanted nothing to do with.

"BABES HELP ME!" I cried out in pure fear. Namjoon shook his head at my call, "You'll be fine, babe! I believe in you." He chuckled.

"Stop laughing at me!" I complained and whined some more when the water was levelled a little over my chest.

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