👾CH. 22👾

166 17 3

~ Diana POV ~

I've been cooped up in my cabin with Namjoon right beside me as we began to try and piece together a sentence that we hoped was what the puzzle conveyed.

'The', 'within', 'the', 'hidden', 'Reality', 'light', and 'lies'. Those were the words that the paper showed.

Their idea had worked perfectly; They had smashed the bottle against a rock they brought from beside the waterfall, then they used the shattered pieces of the glass to hold the paper open while Jimin and Hoseok read what was written for them.

'Reality' and 'light' were what they got respectively.

"Uh, 'within the light, the lies hidden inside reality'..." I tried again but Namjoon shook his head once again.

"That doesn't make sense, Diana." He chuckled, "The 'Reality' and 'lies' are contradicting." He explained and I huffed a breath, already fed up of this, "Reality holds lots of lies, too. Otherwise everything would've been perfect." I grumbled.

Namjoon rolled his eyes, chortling at my saying, "We're talking about different meanings of reality here, babe. In this sense, Reality is obviously the real world. It's more literal." He retorted.

Babe??? Holy Cheeses in crackers, babe????? I think my face is radiating some heat... Aw flip flops, it is.

I patted my cheeks, turning away from Joon to rid of the redness I'm sure it sported. I heard him laugh, having caught me out on my flushing face.

"What's got you all flustered?" He chuckled, nudging at my shoulders from where he sat beside me on the bed. "N-nothing." I coughed out, hoping my long hair would cover for me.

"Whatever you say, babe." he crooned teasingly. "Y-you keep calling me that..." I whined, feeling my face burn up once more. For some odd reason, being called babe by Namjoon does things to me.

I wonder why :/

shut up omg

"Calling you what? Babe??" He asked, sounding genuinely curious. His tone seemed to convey something else too, but I was too focused on calming my red cheeks and getting them to turn back to their original colour. "Y-yeah." I stammered out, answering his question.

He quietened after that, bringing silence into the cabin while I finally managed to compose myself. I cleared my throat, glancing up at Joon to see him already staring at me.

I straightened up when I noticed a flash of hurt pass through his eyes but once I blinked, it seemed to disappear like it was never there.

Hhhh I might need to get my eyes checked...

He shuffled on his spot, turning back to the book we were writing down all sorts of possibilities that could be made using the words. "Sorry. I-I was just joking around." He mumbled timidly but I rushed to assure him that it was okay, "It just caught me off-guard, that's all. It's totally okay!" I laughed it off. When he simply nodded, I cleared my throat awkwardly before turning back towards the book he held.

"So any more possibilities?" I redirected the topic towards the words. He hummed, "Maybe 'lies' doesn't have to be a lie. It could be indicating something is laying somewhere, too." He pointed and I made a sound of agreement.

"Right." I replied.


We both were now just laying on the bed, talking pointlessly as we took a short break from solving the puzzle. There were so many possibilities, honestly. It's hard to decide which one is right and which one isn't.

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