👾CH. 23👾

173 17 7

Everyone was a restless mess. They were all gathered in Jin's cabin as he hurriedly, yet carefully tended to Diana's many wounds decorating her body.

Her legs ended up the worst. Large number of stab wounds scattered around her legs from her ankles and to her thighs. Jin thought it was a miracle none of her bones seemed to show signs of a fracture. He was sure with the amount of red covering her legs, there would actually be at least 1 broken bone.

'Just say "hallelujah!" Jin. You got lucky.', he thought and chose to be grateful it wasn't anything more.

There were 2 other shallow stab wounds at the middle-left side of her stomach and another by her tail-bone.

Jin's mind was a wreck of thoughts shooting through his head like bullets. He kept jumping back and forth with dumb thoughts and worrisome ones that helped nothing for his stress.

And while it won't do much for the others to linger within the cabin as they watched with a deep frown and scared eyes as Diana was being tended to, they refused to leave.

All of them didn't bother to eat as nighttime fell and their time for dinner passed about an hour ago. Namjoon, Taehyung and Yoongi deliberately focused on a piece of paper they snatched out of the many spikes from the snake-like creature.

It was an anonymous note written on it without any explanation other than the obvious instruction on it.

See the first no7e.
6e 4ttentive a5 eight.
The second l3ad is for the start.

"See the first note. Be..? Uh, be attentive.. as eight. The second l..lead is-" Taehyung read out loud.

"- for the start." Yoongi mumbled after that. "Were we supposed to find something else, as well? What are we meant to solve in this?" Hoseok asked. Namjoon hummed, scrutinising the paper before he puckered his lips and looked up at the others standing by the door of the cabin idly.

"Can someone bring the notebook from Diana's cabin? I think I know what it means." He voiced and Jungkook and Jimin nodded immediately, rushing out of the cabin together to retreat the said notebook.

"Can someone get fresh new water..?" Jin sighed out, feeling drained from the sight itself. The hospital must've sedated Diana - he assumed, since her body remained still while he treated her wounds.

At this point on, he's simply glad she's still breathing and alive. It was a gut-wrenching sight to come across when everyone followed her screams of agony.

They came across the sight of her small frame being mercilessly squeezed and zapped with electricity. The snake-like body still continued to tighten and press deeper, restricting her. He watched with horror as she coughed and wheezed, visibly struggling to breathe. The continuous flow of tears falling out of her tightly shut eyes and then the shock passing through his body when it was clear the amount of red staining the clothes that was still visible and uncovered from the slithering body. He watched how she was suspended in air and still tried to fight her way out.

Then when the creature turned to them, another shock making his body tense as his gaze landed on the right side of its face - eyes useless and wounded, blinded by the clear stab that was pressed deeply in. Diana did that.


"I-I'll go change the water." Hoseok offered and with a deep breath, he took the red stained liquid inside the make-shift bowl. Bile building at the base of his throat at the sight before he intently stared forward, not able to handle the sight very well.

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