👾CH. 33👾

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THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 😭😭🙏🙏💕💕💕✨✨

"Jinnie, I'm going to explode!" I groaned indignantly, swatting lazily at his approaching hand bearing a big bite of meat in front of my face.

"You need all the food you can fit in your stomach, Diana. Last one, come on," he urged.

I scoffed, "You said the same thing for the last bite I took! Give it to someone else," I whined.

Jin sighed with a roll of his eyes before turning around. His eyes first landed on Hoseok who froze under his stare.

"Oh, not me. Please, no." Hoseok shook his head, clutching at his stomach, "I think being over fed is kinda counterproductive, hyung." He pointed whilst the eldest gaped at the dancer, clearly taking offence, "No one's being over fed! We'll be walking for hours to get there, this is to make sure none of you malnourish while we make our way to that cave!" He defended.

"Well, I'm done eating so." Yoongi chimed casually before standing up. The others collectively agreed as well, leaving Jin to shrug and eat the last piece himself.

"Is the pot ready? Has everyone drank enough?" Namjoon questioned aloud, receiving a chorus of 'yes's. Nodding, he stood up as well and joined in on Yoongi who strode towards the pantry to bring out the pot filled with water.

Yeah, so unfortunately, the other ideas we had discussed didn't work out well enough to go through with. With the very last bit of rope left, Jungkook and Yoongi worked together to wrap the rope around the pot in such a way that we'd be able to carry it like a bag. With all the time in the world on my part, I worked on a decent, flat lid for the pot so that the water inside the pot isn't directly under the sun's beam.

We can't have our water supply evaporating to steam. No thank youuuuu

"Okay, the sun is getting higher and higher the longer we spend here. Let's get a move on, guys!" Hoseok pointed out, urging the rest that were still sitting, to stand up and begin moving.

Jungkook rushed towards the ladder, where the bright blue and bright pink bags were propped against the poles. Grabbing a hold of both of the bags before sprint back to the campfire.

I reached over for mine but the male immediately tsked disapprovingly, "No, you're not getting this bag. Jin hyung will be carrying it for you." He stated and I scoffed, "What? Why not?" I grouse with a frown.

The brunet's expression deadpanned my way, "Are you really asking me that?" He bluntly put, pointing his gaze to my leg, my crutch and myself.

"Well, it's not like my back has a problem. I can carry it." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Sweetie, a no is a no." Yoongi piped in after he'd helped bring the pot out, setting it just outside the density of the forest with Joon's help.

I turned towards the elder male, who made his way beside kook with a small smirk on his face. I 'hmph'ed indignantly and dropped it with a final glare his way when he narrowed his eyes at me.

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