👾CH. 2👾

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"What is this, huh?! A rip-off of Minecraft?!?!" I yelled out towards the air.

"How do I make a house in such little time?! Heck, it's already passed midday for me to begin!! It's only a few more hours before it's night!! I'll get eaten alive by some wilder beast before the next day begins!!!" I complained out loud.

There's no one here. So I can yell all I want.

"And who in the mothersmucker, can build a damn house within a day?! I'm not staying up all night to make a stupid excuse of a wooden box that will most probably not hold together for a minute's stretch!" I stomped on my feet.

I let out a loud, aggravated groan at the silence followed by my little tantrum.

I narrowed my eyes at nothing in particular. Maybe this is a challenge to test my architectural skills...

"You think I won't survive a day, huh? Well, jokes on you, I'm majoring in architecture! I can make do just fine with a damn rope and some planks itself if I have to!" I boast.

Honestly, is there a game god, here? I'm probably making a fool out of myself. I don't really care at the moment, though.


I paused.

If this game is capable of sucking people into their world, then surely it's more than capable of creating its own houses, right? Did it already know about me? Is it some sort of automatic scanner and decided I'll be fine without one? That I'll just make one??

I stared up at the reddening sky with a dumbfounded look, "So you probably already knew." I let out in the open with flapping hands on my sides.

"Freaky." I grumble out under my breath.

Huffing, I roll up my sleeves after sliding off my cotton cardigan and tied it around my waist. Thank the lord for my hair tie around my wrist as I tie my hair into a low ponytail for the moment. The last thing I need to deal with, is flailing strands of hair getting in my mouth and blocking my eyes.

"I'll prove my architectural skills, just you flip flapping wait." I shouted to the air. 'But I've always begun with a rough layout of what I want to make... how do I measure the sizes, too??' I thought. "But come on, at least give me a little something - a tool, maybe? How do you expect me to begin with my bare hands and no measuring instruments?" I questioned.

I should probably stop.

But I only recently watched this one documentary about a kid in a small village getting lost into the woods. He was gone for so long that he lost the ability to communicate- or well, forgot. And instead, behaved like an animal.

A monkey to be exact. Damn monks adopted a human child and made him theirs.

When he was found, he had to learn the alphabets all over again, just to speak.

Yeah, I'm gonna speak all I want. Ain't no monkey, or any animal for that matter, is taking away my language skills.

Speaking of animals...

"Holy coco's biscuit-" I gasped when a deer jumped out from behind tall bushes. I noticed the unique white coloured splotches decorating the right side of its face, around its eye. It came out from the same path I followed to reach here and hopped away like it didn't just make me almost pee myself.

I suddenly grew nervous and glanced at the darker setting of the sky and my surroundings.

"Uh...hahaha, game, have I told you that you're really...um, cool?" I anxiously blurted out, "You don't happen to.. y'know, make monsters and the likes to exist in this world.., do you?" I weakly let out, inching my way closer to the wooden planks waiting for me to create a damn house with.

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