👾CH. 47👾

114 13 7

"Please, a tiny break. Just this once. It doesn't have to last more than two minutes!" Hoseok huffed out, feeling his calves burn with its efforts to pull him up the long slope.

It was behind them now, yet they chose to continue on without a break. It was beginning to slow the men down slightly and I was beginning to get increasingly worried for Jungkook as he managed to carry me all the way up without a lending hand.

He hadn't spoken for the remaining trip up the slanted ground but his grunts were crystal clear to me. He was sweating as well, the darkness did nothing to hide that as the moon light above us gave his sweaty skin a slight shine.

Wonho came to a pause at the collective pleas followed after Hoseok's and he scanned everyone individually before resigning with a sigh. "I'm sorry, yes, we can take a break." He complied easily, eyes softening at the exhaustion present in everyone's faces and feeling bad for pushing them. He's definitely warmed up to them, it's hard not to. Not that he'd admit it; he prefers to think it's not easy to soften him up.

Although it sounds silly... I, too, was exhausted from the continuous anxiousness and worry I held for the others. It was hard to brush off those feelings and I think the effort to push it aside was more exhausting. I was mentally exhausted.

As soon as Wonho agreed, everyone simultaneously plopped on the ground beneath them with groans. I squeaked in surprise as Jungkook did the same, bringing me along with him as he fell to the ground loosely.

I made a motion to slide off his lap, but he clutched me close. I frowned at the heavy breaths he let out and brushed away some stray strands of hair from his face, following that gesture by brushing my fingers through his hair and sliding them behind, not paying any mind to its dampness due to his sweating. He's practically bathing in his sweat from what I can tell. I could feel his body heat radiating off of him in waves and felt disheartened at the clear exhaustion lining his face.

He cracked a small dismissive smile my way whilst breathing through his mouth before leaning close and plopping his head on my right shoulder while his hands circled around my waist. Sure, he was sweating like there was no tomorrow, but I wasn't going to begin whining with the way his slick forehead was dampening my shirt. I literally ran my hand through his hair with all that sweat. I think I'm way past feeling grossed out about it.

"Are you sure you don't want me to get off? Your legs will need the break." I mumbled, rubbing his back with one hand while the other made its way into his nape, massaging slightly and rousing groans from him as a result.

"No...just stay like this. I like keeping you close to me." He breathed out in response. I pursed my lips bashfully at that say, feeling tingly and flushed. It's words like these that he says to me without even realising the effect it has on me.

"Oh- Uhm, I could just sit beside you, then..." I mumbled shyly. He shook his head against my shoulder, "No. Just stay still, here." He huffed, tightening his hold. Nodding wordlessly, I let him be.

A slight movement from my left soon caught my eyes and I saw Jimin scoot towards us with a smile. "Diana!~" He called for me cutely, pouting and reaching for me.

I couldn't help but giggle at his actions, bringing my good hand forward before he clutched onto it and scooted closer until he was side-by-side with kook. The latter pulled away to see Jimin grinning at him knowingly.

"Don't you want to give yourself a break? I can hold her in the mean time." He mentioned, hands ready to pull me away from his lap but Jungkook remained stubborn as he shook his head, "No, I'm fine. I'm taking a break, see? I'm sitting down." He gestured towards his sitting form to prove his point.

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