👾CH. 36👾

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"Hang on! Oh wait..." I winced at the unintended pun whilst I peered with great concern at Jungkook and Jimin as they hung upside down with their legs tied up securely by the green net.

Let me enlighten about what had just occurred..

Rewind to about 5 minutes ago wherein the two boys walked actively beside Wonho as he kept an eye out for traps. Those two were checking out their surroundings, as well as collecting some decent-sized sticks to throw and trigger potential traps that we would all eventually come across.

Wonho being the living guardian that he claims he is, sensed one nearby. The duo at that time had began to make a competition out of finding 'the best looking' stick and rushed ahead at the same time upon laying eyes on a thick one.

You can guess where that led them :)

"This position is not very appealing to my stomach..." Jimin groaned. Oh dear...

"Um, sit tight- wait-" I decided to keep my mouth shut. It just so happens that I had the worst words of assurance to spur out at this moment. I know this because Jungkook was giving me a glare at my choice of words considering his and Jimin's legs were tightly tied.

"Please," Jin cackled. He had been laughing since I spoke up about this occurance. He'd completely forgotten the part where we worry for the two dangling boys, all because of me. He's always been a sucker for jokes so I guess-

Okay, no. I wasn't trying to joke around!

"Hold still-" I brought one hand up to pinch the bridge of my nose and nodded in surrender when Jungkook gave me a look of disapproval and incredulity. "Yep, okay. I'll shut up." I sheepishly grinned, unable to help myself at the thought of only being able to sentence pun words.


Because of Jin's iconic laugh, even Namjoon couldn't help but join in. Yoongi was waiting this out by a nearby tree whilst Wonho manoeuvred his way up the tree, gauging his path upto them to break them free.

Taehyung seemed to watch Wonho in intrigue, possibly wondering if he could pull of the lil' parkour the elder male was doing up the large tree.

Hoseok was the only one who seemed sincerely concerned for the younger two- well, aside from me, of course.

"Hurry up, please." Jimin sighed.

"I told you two to keep an eye out," Wonho grumbled after a grunt when skipping onto another higher branch.

I chuckled as Jin plopped onto his butt, heaving out his breath from the laughing fit I brought onto him. I was already situated on the ground with my legs laying before me, glad for the little momentary break for my right arm that supported half of my weight.

"Oh god, this one is an old one." Wonho announced, "You two! Breathe less." He instructed.

I snorted, knowing he meant well but the instruction was still humorous.

"'Breathe less' you want me to suffocate myself?" Jungkook retorted. "Boy, shut up already." Jimin huffed, swatting a hand towards the younger male, only to receive a hit back in retaliation.

"Okay, stay still and don't move." Wonho intervened, shuffling closer towards the net before taking a deep breath and holding it. He pulled out the sword I let him borrow from me to cut it from its tight knot. He worked swiftly with cutting the string carefully.

I let out a cough from the smell the string emitted, suddenly reminded of the reason why the Olfstin that was once captive in a cage like this had ended up dead due to the toxic scent.

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