👾CH. 45👾

122 13 4

My hand is see-through.

My hand is see-through.

I sucked in a big breath, feeling myself stumble into a panicked state of mind. My brain felt utterly confused and brought me the sound of alarms blaring in my ears. The surrounding noise soon dulled into the complete back of my mind.

All I could hear was the rapid beating of my heart and the short breaths leaving my mouth. My hand began to shake terribly and my eyes blinked, hoping the sight wasn't true, hoping it was simply the effects of my dizzy spell, hoping the others would suddenly yell out that it was a joke.


My eyes couldn't seem to leave the sight of my disappearing hand out, keeping my gaze fixated and making my mind blend into a frenzy of confusion, fear, shock and panic. To add to it, my chest began to feel constricted, making me feel as if I'm holding in too much air, but at the same time, I'm not. I have no clue about what to do to get rid of this sudden weight over my chest; to get rid of it fast. I wasn't sure if this feeling of constriction was hurting me as my whole being was solely focused on the abnormalities before my very eyes.

"-ana! Diana, hey, hey,"

My breath hitched in my throat painfully, but my eyes finally snapped away when my face was turned away by force. Now focusing dazedly at Yoongi as he held my face delicately, yet firmly - keeping me from having any room to turn away and to return my eyes on the vanishing image of my hand.

"Breathe, sweet girl, please. Come on," he urged as calmly as he could muster, rubbing his thumb over my cheekbone, making my eyes flutter.

Another hand pressed gently over my back, rubbing it soothingly while the source whispered for me to focus on Yoongi's words.

I inhaled sharply and was pushed into a coughing fit, suddenly realising that I had my held breath for the longest time. As soon as I began to regulate my breathing patterns from their erratic ones, tears glazed my eyes and fell one after the other.

Then followed the unexpected pain on my chest, the feelings finally returning and reminding me just what the effects were from pushing my lungs to hold still for longer than I ever could muster consciously. My throat gulped at the air and I finally resounded a broken sob. I was so scared. I was terrified.

I don't want to disappear, please. Please don't do this to me. Please!

My body shuddered from my strong cries and I was soon pulled into a warm embrace, the man brought me in between his outstretched legs, circling me and using one hand to caress my head whilst the other hugged around my caving-in shoulders. I buried myself close to him, ridding myself from the sight of my state growing progressively worse and continuing until the time I manage to really get out of this world.

"You're gonna be alright, lovely. I swear it. Once we're out of here, you'll be back to normal." Jimin's voice hushed softly into my ear, his warm breath making goosebumps to erupt down from my neck to my toes.

"I don't want to die." I sniffled weakly into his damp shoulder, voice resounding shakily and my breaths remained laboured. My words brought a period of silence to wash over everyone as they registered my desperate plea to stay alive and not disappear.

"No, no, that won't happen, baby. Nothing like that will come close to that! Not at all." Namjoon's voice broke the silence, a third hand placed at the low of my back before I was squeezed into the center of Jimin and him; encased and warmed up from their body heat.

And yet, even when I know I'd find myself melt into this warmth at any other given moment, my mind was plagued with the image of my hand. Even worse, the case about my foot wasn't looking too good either.

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