👾CH. 20👾

162 18 0

~ Diana POV ~

I let out a small groan as I moved on my spot on my bed, not at all appreciating the bright lights piercing my eyes.

Noooo, I want to sleep a bit longer bright light... go away.

I buried closer into my pillow to block out the light from penetrating my eyes and sighed as it got dark again. I was warm and very comfy on my bed, I didn't want to ever wake up. It was so cocooning and snuggly, I couldn't get enough of it. I immediately felt my drowsiness return as I slowly began to fall back asleep, happy now that the bright light wasn't bothering me anymore.

It smells nice. That's nice.


Wait, bright light?? Smell??? What the f—-

A chuckle cut through my thoughts and my eyes fluttered open. Aw geez, my eyes sting. I blinked leisurely, bringing one hand over to rub the soreness some way or the other. The clicking of a tongue put my movements to a pause and a large hand wrapped itself around my wrist by my eyes, pulling it away. "Don't do that. That'll damage your poor eyes." A voice tutted, lightly scolding me.

Hold the f—

At the voice, my eyes shot wide this time. Now that I'm actually very awake, I can't help but suddenly realise that what I'm snuggling into isn't my mattress but a person's chest- not to mention the snatched torso my arms had circled that felt awfully, and I mean awfully familiar.

I drifted my eyes up slowly and froze when they met Taehyung's bright, amused ones.

"Good morning!" He chirped happily. You know, now that I've realised just what I was snuggling into, I suddenly also realised the strong arms wrapped around me as well. Minus the one still gripping on my wrist.

I'm 100% sure Taehyung just watched how my face flared into flames before his eyes as I noticed his them grow wide while observing me. I mean, I don't know about you, but suddenly my face feels like lava.

"Woah, that's - by far - the fastest blush I've seen appear on your face. More red, too."

At his claim, I definitely flushed more since he was right in front of my face to see it. I hastily pulled away, apologising profusely for the position I'm sure I brought him into. When did this happen?!

I was practically laying halfway over him- ㅠㅠ

He only laughed and sat up, shaking his head at my 'sorry's before grabbing at my flailing arms that gestured around the air in front of me whilst I jumped to try and explain myself about how I had no idea, that I never meant for this to happen and that it won't happen again.

"Woah, Diana take a breath, I'm not upset! I was the one to cuddle you!" He stated so easily and I clearly felt my brain malfunction for a split moment as it processed his words. All I could voice out was a- "W-what?" I squeaked out.

He nodded, "You- you fell asleep and I was already holding you.. so I just thought that maybe you wouldn't mind some company through the night since I didn't want to wake you up if I moved away. Now that I think back on my words, that was too assuming, wasn't it? I'm really sorry if this made you uncomfortable." His smile had flattered into a thin line by the end of his sentence. You know, I'd probably lie and say that it threw me off for a moment, but honestly? Yes, it was unexpected, but I think I liked it way too much... more than I'm supposed to- let me go hide in a corner...

"I wasn't uncomfortable at all, Tae..." I huffed out a breath.

I mean, that's the comfiest sleep I've gotten since being in this world.

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