👾CH. 17👾

195 19 4

Edited 🥲👍✨

It's the next day since the incident and I was furiously scribbling on my personal notebook like my life depends on it, writing down all I know and remember as my mind lost more memories after my little nap following after lunch. Technically, my life before this game actually depends on it.

I was slowly about to lose it as I forgot more and more, little by little as if the game was teasing me and playing with my mind. It started off as tiny memories going blank but more recently - specifically last night, I felt a huge hole in my mind, screaming at me at the loss of memories. I have no clue about what I lost so I was furiously reading over all of the thing's I have written to maybe catch something I don't recall anymore.

When I found it, I almost shattered because I realised I forgot about my dog that I named coco. 'He's a German shepherd. A bright, fluffy ball of positivity and happiness' I'd written beside his name. I believe I should confide in someone soon so it's easier to cope knowing the boys could help remind me of things I might forget to note down in case.. Yeah, maybe it's time I—

I had immediately discarded my notebook somewhere and switched over to the other notebook, pretending to look back on some notes I'd written about this world. Jimin had stepped inside, asking if he could spend some time with me and I'd of course, said yes. Who wouldn't want the company of an Angel?

"What happened to bothering Taehyung and Jungkook?" I chuckled when he let out a blissful groan as he laid down on my bed. "They're rude bastards. Also you're still upset about them?" He raised a brow at me. I huffed out a sigh.

So after the biggest inner freak out that I had experienced with the danger the 4 boys brought upon themselves the other day, of course I was still upset. I couldn't just let it slide how they walked into a life-threatening situation. I was upset all the way back to our camp and Jimin, Yoongi and Jin were bound to catch on.

Though, I have no clue how they pieced it together so quickly because I didn't full-out ignore them or send them glares.

I believe I acted the way I usually do, but just occasionally reminded them that the incident still left me upset so they weren't completely clear and fully forgiven by choosing to sit beside the other three than any of them during our meals. Not that that should've given away anything either. Just once did I shift form my spot when Taehyung took his seat beside me and strongly ignored the poor kicked puppy face I knew would win me over.

"You're only calling them by their full names." Jimin snorted. I scoffed, turning to look at him making himself super comfy on my bed with my blanket cover wrapped cozily around him.

"I call everyone by their names." I deadpanned. Jimin rolled his eyes, "Not all the time, you don't. You've not even uttered a single nickname of theirs since you returned." He pointed and I rolled my eyes, "That says nothing. I call you Jimin, too." I retorted.

Jimin chuckled, untangling himself from the covers and see better by the foot of the bed to sit closer whilst I remained on my stool writing down notes about what Taehyung and Namjoon observed about the net trap.

"You either call me Jiminie, chim or Angel. Even mochi! I barely here you call me only by my name." He stated and I frowned, genuinely surprised by that observation.

"Really? I swear I call you by your name a lot." I mumbled and nibbled at my lip in thought. That's all it takes to figure out that I'm upset with the four boys?? Seriously?? I just stop using nicknames??? Am I okay??

Just because I didn't call them by their names, they connected the dots and concluded that I'm upset at them?? Am I really that simplistic?

...nahhh, I'm better than that. Nope. I'll ignore this.

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