👾CH. 41👾

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- I won't be updating any chapters in the coming week as it's a really crucial period for me to stay away from Wattpad and other social media to keep my focus on studying!
This will be a double update for that reason to somewhat compensate for the wait 🥹🥹✨, see you in a while! 💕💕

"Hold onto them and keep them ready at all times." Wonho instructed.

We were all incredibly uneasy with the sudden tone he took on - Stern and commanding. Shortly after we resumed ahead, leaving behind the lot of parachute D-bags, a few minutes later he had instructed all of us to keep one hand occupied with our weapons.

I hadn't even had the time to pull my own out before he scooped me off my feet and into his hold. I know I mentioned how I had long since given up on arguing over being able to handle myself, but the lack of control I have over my own actions is starting to irritate me. Everyone had resumed walking ahead in a close hurdle but I had persistently told Wonho to put me down.

"Can I please just stick to your side and hold my own sword? I'm saying please." I huffed indignantly. Wonho quickly shook his head in refusal, adding onto my annoyance. "Guys??" I turned towards the others who simply gave me hesitant gazes, some avoiding my eyes, "Come on!" I complained, not being able to budge out of Wonho's hold even as I began squirming and pushing on his arms circled around me. "Wonho!" I gritted, indignant emotions arising the longer he continues to fight back by keeping an all too firm grip around me.

"Can you enlighten us as to why we need to do this? Do you sense some creature nearby?" Namjoon asked tentatively.

Being completely ignored, I scoffed under my breath when the man holding me chose to answer Joon instead of complying to my plea, "Two Olfstins." He revealed. All of us stiffened at that.

Wonho sucked in a breath through his teeth, nodding at our incredulous expressions, "I don't know when they'll pop out in front of us, so that's why I'm requesting for all of you to keep an eye out. Huddle close together and.. if we need to run, forget the bags. All those stuff will just slow us down." He instructed.

"Then put me down!" I exclaimed. I'm basically like those freaking bags, except I'm heavier! He'll slow down himself if he keeps carrying me.

"You can't run, Diana." Wonho sighed, visibly losing his patience at my stubborn act. I scoffed again, "It's about time I stop running away, don't you think?" I scowled. I don't want to be carried around anymore! I'm tired of hovering above the ground like a damn doll.

He rolled his eyes, "You haven't even laid a hand on one. What makes you think you can fight against two?" He countered harshly.

I glared down at him, "Low blow." I muttered, pushing against his arms that tightened upon my actions. "Diana!" Wonho huffed. 

"Hey, stop it already, you two." Jin frowned, taking a step forward to stop our argument. I snapped my gaze at Jin, "I'll stop once I'm put down." I retorted with a bite to my tone.

Jin's brows furrowed, "Don't use that tone on me." He said sternly, reaching forward and pulling me out of Wonho's hold. Wonho gave Jin a frustrated look, not retaliating as Jin was elder.


"Stop fussing around, Diana." Jin scolded and my jaw fell open. The momentary relief and triumph of standing on my own foot immediately ceased upon Jin's authoritative tone, "I just-"

He shook his head, "I know you don't like it. I do feel bad that it has to be this way..I do, really, but you just can't run." He stated, "Don't make this hard, I know you're well aware of the disadvantage of your injury. Let Wonho carry you; He knows what he's doing." He instructed with a stern look.

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