👾CH. 26👾

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"Yah! Diana!!"

Oop- busted.

Quicker, jelly legs! Move faster and stop hurting, get back inside the cabin you freaking snail!!! They never saw me. Nuh-Uh.

I'm hallucination. Peace—

I squeaked in surprise when a hand wrapped itself around my waist, releasing my right leg from pressure, "You stubborn girl." I heard Jungkook huff from behind me, lifting me off of my feet and bringing me back onto my bed.

I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest, "It's not fair," I complained, "I don't want to be carried around! I have one leg that's more than capable of helping me around." I huffed.

Jungkook tsked, shaking his head at my childish act, "That one leg still has fresh wounds, Diana. Take your health more into consideration!" He scolded and I scoffed, "I'm healthy!" I attempted and watched as the bunny boy rolled his eyes.

"Your legs aren't." He shot back, forcing me to give my legs more relief by propping them to lay straight ahead of me. I mumbled incoherently under my breath, "That isn't my fault." I grumbled.

Jungkook scoffed lightly, giving my head a flick and making me yelp, "Yes, it is. Had you not run into that forest and stabbed the life out of that monster's eyes, it might've spared you a little more." He stated pointedly, obviously still holding a small grudge against my 'selfish-selflessness' if that makes any sense.

"No, it wouldn't have. It called me a cheater, a glitch and a worthless scum that should rot and die. I'm pretty sure I would've still suffered the same - maybe even worse if it still had all of its eyes." I rolled my eyes, feeling extremely salty at the mention of that creature.

Jungkook frowned, "It... did?" He asked unsurely. I nodded timidly, scratching at my neck mindlessly as I thought back towards its harsh words directed at me, "I get that I technically am not really meant to be here. I mean- one girl and seven guys? Still though, that thing didn't have to rub it in my face and call me names." I huffed.

Is it really that bad that the game had to go as far as to say all of those things to my face? It's not like I got here on purpose. Heck, no one would've if they knew there wouldn't have been any sort of exiting mechanism. How could I have known it would've literally sucked me in?

Like- being called worthless? Seriously?? Back there, I didn't really take into mind about what it said since fear and determination drived me then, but now that I really registered its less than friendly words, it kind of hurt.

Being told to die, especially. Gee, imagine being so incredibly despised by something that you didn't even know existed. It makes me feel terrible even though it's uncanny words shouldn't have meant anything to me.

I snapped my eyes back to Jungkook, then to my shoulder, where he placed a hand on. With a quirked brow, I turned back to look at him, wondering what he wanted to say as he sported a conflicted look in his eyes with pursed lips.

He frowned prominently, pulling his hand back while holding my shoulder and propelling my upper body to shift forward under his hold as he pulled lightly. "What is it?" I asked apprehensively, not liking the frown the male sported.

My eyes slowly widened when he leaned forward, a second-long stretch of a kiss placed on my forehead, which caught me completely off-guard. I blinked rapidly when he pulled away, not giving me any time to look at him as he hid his face by burying it into my shoulder, his arms bringing me into a hug.

"You know none of that is true, right?" He mumbled against my shoulder and I gulped, slowly wrapping my own arms around him as I still processed the chaste kiss he gifted me. "I mean, it's pretty obvious that everyone adores you." He added and I felt myself flush.

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