👾CH. 32👾

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"If only we could use a damn tank to go there. Any monster? Shot. Any tree on the way? Gone. And we'd all just be chilling inside our giant tank, munching away on our food and chucking our water."

"Who'll be the driver? The one who isn't chilling? What about the one who will be shooting?" Jungkook probed with a chortle.

I grinned, shrugging with a giggle, "Anyone but me, of course." I pointed and he scoffed, "You'll be the one person who eats all the food and drinks all the water while everyone else starves." He stated and I gasped in mock offense, "I wouldn't!" I denied.

"In fact, I might even share." I grinned and he mirrored it, "With me?" He asked and for the fun of it, I clicked my tongue in denial, holding back a laugh when he scowled.

"You'll be the one shooting the monsters." I stated, "You have no time to rest, bambi." I said and he rolled his eyes, "I wouldn't need rest, anyway." He played along.

I laughed whilst he scoffed, "Why are you laughing?! I don't need rest!" He repeated with wide eyes, "Don't flatter yourself. Everyone needs rest." I chuckled.

"I know I won't be the one tired after a certain something." He mumbled under his breath and I shook my head dismissively, "I'm just kidding, silly. I know you have a lot of stamina. Courtesy of all the activities you do one after another. Even in the real world." I pointed before thinking back to his last sentence.

"Also, what is that 'something' you claim you wouldn't grow tired of?" I asked curiously and he shrugged, "Against you? Anything really." He pointed before chuckling as I shoved at his shoulder, "If I didn't have a sprain right now, I'd be kicking your ass." I scowled playfully.

"Don't push me off the bed, now." He huffed when I shoved at his shoulder again, bringing him closer towards toppling over and onto the ground from my jabbing.

"What if I want you off the bed?" I retorted and squealed in surprise when I ended up in a wrestling position against kook as he pushed on my hands holding his own, pushing as well.

"You can't make me even if you wanted to." He stated and I tutted, "Don't underestimate my power." I grinned and subtly lifted my good foot to push as his thigh, making him stagger on his knees as he propped himself up whilst I remained with my back to my bed.

"That's foul play." He rasped out with a devious grin. My own cheeky grin grew grim and tight at that.


"Ah! Stop! No!" I shrieked when one of his hands brought both of mine pinned above my head whilst his other began poking and tickling my sides, bringing me to tears as I laughed out loud and pleaded for him to stop.

"Dude my- my stomach hurts!" I cried out through my laugh, "Good!" He countered.


"Man, flip off." I panted, laying limply on my bed while Jungkook cracked up as he mockingly hovered his fingers over my stomach, where I protectively covered any weak spots with my arms.

"You don't really curse, do you? Except that one time we scared you. You're unfiltered when you're angry." He giggled breathily.

"Took you long enough to realise," I rolled my eyes playfully. Kook scoffed, "I knew that since the start. I just decided to ask you now of all times." He shrugged, grunting as he made himself comfortable on the bed beside me.

I hummed, "I don't know. I think I used to say cuss words uncensored, but I guess something changed and I've made it a habit to not curse." I mumbled. "Really? Just like that?" He asked and I shrugged, "I said I don't know." I chortled.

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