🏠 CH. 54 🏠

146 9 6

"Okay; careful with your leg, keep it on this platform- yes, good." Yohan kept pestering me as he helped me onto a wheelchair. I had no control over my legs and it may be the lingering effects of my time in the game...

"This is so unfair... why can't I just be back on my feet now that I'm out of that hell? I'm still as useless as ever if not more!!" I whined childishly as I was pushed out of this awfully plain room once and for all.

It was the next day and around the time I was done eating my lunch, Yohan and mom came to pick me up since I was discharged. Finally!

I'm still feeling salty over my useless body.

"You'll have some physical therapy to help gain back some strength in your arms and legs. For now, we'll just have some occasional revisits to check on the state of your legs' condition, see how much has subsided since your discharge. I have some medications already sent back at home with Eomma." He briefed me.

I nodded, holding a pout on my face to express my dismay as he wheeled me out of my designated room.

My dismay however was short lived as a crowd of people entered my vision. The seven men I came to adore and my best friend smiling alongside my baby brother.

My breath got caught in my throat as my eyes trailed towards another particular male.

"Appa...!" I gasped out, eyes widening in pleasant surprise as he grinned back at me, not one bit worried, but more so giddy with meeting me.

"My little Darling Diana," My Dad cooed, slipping past the others making room for him before my he bent down to engulf me in his protective hold, one hand habitually rubbing up and down my back whilst I choked back a happy cry, "You're here!" I laughed, astonished and incredibly ecstatic.

I feel like I'm in one of those emotional reunion compilation videos.

A fraction part of me was a little bummed that we had to reunite with him seeing me on a wheelchair, being discharged from the hospital.

"I am back. I'm sorry I wasn't there for the time of your recovery and inner battle since you got settled here... I never doubted that you'd return back with your beautiful smile. My work couldn't allow me the luxury to return and support you as you fought to come back... now, I know there was never truly anything to worry about. Seeing as you're here, strong as ever and on a road to a perfect recovery no less." He mumbled into my head, leaving a small peck to my head and making me melt as I embraced him back.

We hugged for a good few moments before he pulled away to regard the obvious scar running down my left arm. Something I had taken notice the moment I'd woken up after registering my whereabouts.

It was true that whatever happened from where we got sucked into, showed evidently through what we gained in terms of wounds in the real world, in our physical forms.

"Whatever did this..." My dad began, running his thumb over the scar covering the part over my wrist, making me turn to him expectantly, wondering what he was thinking.

"You must've been very courageous, dealing with an injury this size." He smiled at me, almost with an open glimmer of pride and of feeling proud that had me taken aback.

"Appa...." I awed softly.

"Plus, it makes my daughter look pretty badass! I'm sure this will help shoo away all these damn boys your helpless mom keeps trying to get you with." He laughed with his chest, giving the seven boys behind him a side-glance.

I felt a spec of fear for them but ultimately felt amused by that threat my dad indirectly put towards them. Mostly because they were gulping and straightening their postures as if to appeal to my dad's good books.

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