👾CH. 28👾

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I straightened up on my spot on the bed, before stammering out a 'come in!', watching as Yoongi tentatively poked his head in.

He's first?!

I sucked in my cheeks anxiously as he took small steps in, closing the door behind him while doing so.

I attempted to give him an encouraging smile, but from his timid expression, I can certify that it worked uselessly. I awkwardly gestured for him to sit across from me on the bed and he nodded mutely, doing as he was asked, very careful of where he placed his hands as my legs were propped ahead of me, beside where he sat.

The silence between us felt a little stiff and tense, none of us knew how to break it. I felt really awkward with this silence between us so I cleared my throat, fumbling with thoughts on how to break the ice but it seems that he took that as his cue to start before I could.

"Diana, I..." he sucked in a breath, "I'm really sorry..." he sighed dejectedly, "I completely disregarded how much pain your sprain was causing you and jumped to do things without really explaining anything. It wasn't fair on you, nor how I commanded the others to.. hold you still." He grimaced at the end and I felt myself soften.

Shit, I'm too easy!

He glanced my way before quickly looking back down at his hands on his lap, nibbling at his lips, "I was so focused on figuring out the problem behind the pain you were suffering from to lessen it - as ironic as it sounds, I'd completely overlooked how my attempt could've hurt you so much more. I did it because being helpless was the last thing I wanted to feel when I first noticed that you were in pain." He pressed his lips tightly after that, hands going over to rub at the back of his ears.

"You don't have to forgive me but still, please know that I had no ill intention when I asked everyone to hold you down. I'm...really sorry." He ended it there and looked up to meet my eyes, his own blown wide with anxiousness, anticipating my response. His gaze only turned me more putty and so ready to forgive, just so that he didn't look so worried, especially because of me.

I knew if any of them came to apologies, I would crumbled immediately and forgive them after they'd explain themselves. It's why I pushed the confrontation so far - I didn't want to give in so easily because as smitten as I may seem for them, I wanted to remain angry at them for restraining me without taking anything I say into account. I wanted to convey my dismay loudly, but without words.

I heaved out a quiet breath and scooted closer to Yoongi before placing one hand on his bent knee, watching as he tensed slightly before sagging whilst he looked at me with nervous curiosity. I shimmer of hope that hit me right where he wished for.

My whole grudge crumbled, leaving me feeling awfully softened at the sight instantly and I gave him a more genuine smile, "I forgive you." I stated, "I know that at the end of it, you were just trying to help. You said so yourself, too. I probably wouldn't have a torn tissue on my foot if it weren't for my reckless behaviour. I panicked and being held down didn't exactly help," I chuckled awkwardly at that, "I'm sorry for kicking you that time, by the way." I cringed, remembering that I kicked quite hard on his thigh while he worked on checking my ankle. "And for being so petty." I added with a wince.

He let out a breath of relief, "So all is good?" He asked hopefully and I smiled, nodding before letting out a quiet laugh as he pulled me into a hug, "Thank you. I won't do that again." He breathed out softly and I hummed, patting his back in response.

"Go easy on the others... I was the one who told them to hold you down." He mentioned after pulling away. I deadpanned at that and clicked my tongue, "No can do, gummy bear. They had a choice and they chose to listen." I pointed.

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