👾CH. 27👾

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"How can your facility let them in?!"


"I had made it so fucking clear that this specific duo were supposed to stay the hell away from my sister!"

"We've posted their names and facial features to the security so as to not let this occurrence repeat. I'm terribly sorry that we couldn't'v done this sooner to avoid the inconvenience."

"Sorry my ass. They deliberately intruded the room to cause harm! As if that wasn't obvious enough, your reception and security at the entrance didn't bother to get ahold of them after they did what they intended to do!"


"Her leg is in worsened condition! You think I'll just forgive this and let it slide?"



It's been 3 days exactly since that incident and I've done a spectacular job at showing my upset towards the boys.

I even deliberately rubbed it in their frowning faces how I was only approaching Hoseok for whatever I needed, be it a request about helping me get ahold of the puzzle from Namjoon's cabin, to even asking if I could room in his cabin to eat.

Either he was just as upset about them as I was, or he'd long let go of the incident by talking it out with the others but still stuck with me, I'm incredibly grateful for his help.

I'll be frank: there was a moment where one of the boys approached me, but I'd flinched away unconsciously. I didn't purposely do it, my mind basically gave me a brief flashback of what they had collectively tried to do that made me jerk away.

It was obvious how much it pained them with how I was behaving with them. Call me petty, or whatever but there was no way I was going to simply let go of what they pulled-off on me so easily.

On the 3rd day of staying the heck away from 6/7 boys has been going smoothly fortunately, and the boys finally let me be, having already accepted my upset at them since the day before. Even that had made me salty to think as if they've given up on making amends but that was just the grudge in me talking. I never gave them the chance, so it's safe to assume they're just waiting for me to fix this ongoing conflict. Now, I suppose it's just upto me when I deem it okay to end this quarrel between us.

I was lounging by myself in Hobi's room, scanning through all the clues we've gathered that could lead us out of here for good, and I've gotten an inkling that the second note has a reason why it specified the players in this world to be attentive as 'eight'.

See the first no7e.
6e 4ttentive a5 eight.
The second l3ad is for the start.

"This second lead is for the start." I read under my breath.

The start of this note mentions that we see the first note.

That means our first lead.

I turned towards the notebook holding all the words the puzzle revealed to us through all eight of us.

With all the words that we've gathered, this second lead is supposed to help us piece them together to obtain the right structure of the sentence.

It seemed like Namjoon had some idea with the numbers he's written down.

"So 'First' is..., one? Then seven..." I paused, "Hold on-" I gasped quietly and scribbled down the numbers in the order they were already given through the note.

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