👾CH. 8👾

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I slid down the ladder in a rush, my trusty waist bag holding my small pocket knife, some bandages and the bottle of disinfectant as well as a small water bottle in case the person gains any minor injuries that would need tending to. I had removed the one rock that caused a nasty cut on Jin and Jungkook to make sure anyone new doesn't get them too and pray he isn't too wounded by the fall he took from the sky. But I don't think it really mattered when I heard the familiar sound of a growl.

An Olfstin.

"I'm coming with you," Jungkook immediately stated, making me halt in my hurried steps to get to the scared man in the forest. "Jungkook, it's not—"

"Please, Diana. It's better if you're not alone over there!" He pleaded. My eyes jumped from between Jungkook and the forest before I heaved out a breath, "Fine, whatever. Jin we'll be back soon!" I called out for the worried man who dutifully stayed back to keep a watchful eye out for our camp. "Wait!" Jin called for me, bringing the sword out from the cabin and placing it in Jungkook's hands, "Please, please, be careful!" Jin let out, having heard the loud growl, "Just run back if you can with that boy." He frowned. I opened my mouth before the new boy's voice cut through with plea for help.


I gave Jin one final look before I jumped into the forest and ran towards the voice that was emitting fearful sobs. My pace quickened at that, and Jungkook kept pace with me as well, following close behind as I easily made my way towards the spawning point where a boy had tears streaming down his face as he pulled himself away from the Olfstin.

I gasped when I realised that this particular Olfstin was bigger than the ones I had encounter before.

"Kookie, get to him." Was all I said before rushing forward and blocking the path of the approaching Olfstin that still emanated it's threatening growl. "Diana! What are you doing?! I'm the one with the sword!" Jungkook's voice called for me even as he rushed forward, intending to pull me back from getting any closer but I slipped past before he could.

(A/N: I'm the one in my zone~~ 🤪🎶)

"Diana!!" Jungkook gritted, his wide eyes watching the Olfstin with high alert and a hint of fear.

"Don't yell. It'll feel provoked to attack us. Don't move either, okay? Just trust me on this." I calmly explained.

I got it to go away once. I can do it again!

"Diana, if you get hurt, I will kill it if I have to." Jungkook frowned in utter concern, standing a few feet behind me while sporting a ready stance if anything happens.

It growled again, noticing Jungkook and crouched slightly, readying itself to pounce. The new boy let out a whimper as he made himself as small of a target as he could while curling into himself by the tree behind him. My heart hurt for him. He didn't have to come fact-to-face with this creature right as he got here. He's terrified.

"Diana..." Jungkook warned as I brought my hands up to show I held no weapon. "Drop the sword, Kook." I instructed firmly, "What? Why would..." his voice trailed as the Olfstin let out another loud snarl. Startling me as it was a different sound altogether from what I know it could make.

'A last warning.' I realised.

"Drop the damn sword, Jungkook." I gritted. He put it to the ground immediately, though never leaving his eyes off of the giant creature. It's loud growls reduced to low rumbles. Indicating that it was still highly cautious of our presence. I heaved out a breath.

"There we go..." I let out, still feeling incredibly tense at its posture. It screamed, 'stay back, or else' to me and I didn't want anyone to get hurt. There's a way to prevent it, we just have to stay clear from sudden movements and sharp objects.

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