👾CH. 14👾

240 20 7

~ Yoongi POV ~

It's not just me who has noticed this, but everyone has — even the new guys. Jimin and Hoseok actually seemed to be off-put by Diana's change in demeanour. I can understand to some extend as to why they feel that way.

That girl was cheery and bright when she first introduced herself to them and they were instantly put at ease by her cheery mood and calm intake on the happenings.

No, I didn't follow her before the crack of dawn into the forest. I just know because that's all she has ever done for all of us.

It changed a bit with me but... that's on me.

And her.


The two new guys took a small nap after they came and woke up around the same time when the sun was close to reaching its complete peak over-head. They're pretty bright and optimistic themselves, which helps cheer up everyone else, including me. I don't plan to say this out loud, though. The others already figured that out for themselves.

We've all acquainted well with one another and I can certainly say that we can eventually become close friends. Everyone definitely agrees on that.

However, the bond we will build with each other right now is not what concerns me at this moment. It's Diana. She had shut herself into her room and flat out refused to go out today, saying Jungkook can go if he wants and that her absence shouldn't stop him from venturing into the forest.

The two of us had shared a look of confusion knowing she goes every morning to do her daily ventures. Not only that, she hardly lets Jungkook venture in without her.

I let her be for now, but I noticed the new players were visibly worried. However, it could merely just be that she's already gone in way before the time she usually goes and doesn't feel like taking a second trip.

Right now, I sat by the fire-pit on the ground and used the seats as a support to lean on as I lazed. The other two were sitting on their own spots by the fire-pit and were acting restless with frowns on their faces.

Diana really put an impression on them. She probably played as a grounding Angel sent personally from heaven for them and saved the day by being the Beacon of hope and security, bringing along a sense of normalcy under life-shocking experiences and abnormal circumstances that had frightened them to no end within the darkness of the unusual forest that could've held all sorts of threat to their lives.

Just to point out because I can, those aren't my words. Just saying.

They're not.

"Yoongi, is the first-aid kit still in your cabin?" Jin asked and I hummed a yes. I forgot, I was helping Jin hyung cook food for everyone but I burnt my hand when it got too close to the fire that's been put out now. I had gone back to treat it on my own because I can take care of myself just fine. A little burn is nothing I can't tend to myself.

He nodded and mentioned that he's going over to fetch it and I waved him off, saying it's fine.

Right now, Hoseok, Jimin and I were all lounging here after having our second meal of the day. Diana was once again, staying inside, but hopefully she ate the food Jin personally brought to her cabin. I got up from my spot, intending to spend my time in my cabin at the moment.

"Did something happen while I was asleep?" Hoseok asked, fidgeting on his spot and occasionally glancing at her room by the ladder. I paused on my step and pursed my lips.

I shook my head, "No." I answered. I believe they warmed up fairly quick to her. I don't question it because she holds such a welcoming aura around her all the time. As of now, it seems to disappear because she had mentioned that she wanted to be left alone.

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