👾CH. 5👾

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It's been 5 days since I met Jin. He's settled well in this world, courtesy of me since I helped him out in almost everything except cooking up food and treating wounds. Turns out that he has studied medicine so my offer on the first day with him was basically unnecessary and a waste.

He had re-done his wrap around his elbow. He did it much neatly and securely than I could ever, despite my constant need to use it for the past 2 months or so. My experience in the medical kit was put to shambles when he offered to redo some of my own wraps as well, pointing out how I had tied mine too tight, which he joked by saying that I was basically stopping my blood circulation.

After he patched up some of my cuts, That day, he watch me go out of my room with my walk of shame.

He's also an amazing cook. Despite the lack of ingredients we had, he managed to pull off a perfectly cooked fish and pork on the second night, familiarising himself with how I organised our foods in the cabin and even placing some of the foods to his own liking in the cabin to fit his style. Simply speaking, he reorganised the ingredients in the cabin how he would like them to be since he put himself up to task for making our meals.

Also, as if the shock of my life hadn't happened twice in this world, he pulled out with a 3rd one and left me a bundle of mess when he mentioned I was kept within the hospital's care in the real world. So my body was still present in the real world.

He mentioned my mother and my little brother. And as much as I would like to know how they're doing and if my elder brother has come back yet, Jin had only briefly visited the room I was kept in so the exchange of words never happened. He still apologised for it which I quickly dismissed because how could he have known he'd end up here with me?

He also told me that my body (in real life) was being intensely dotted by nurses and doctors almost every second of the day. Though I do wonder how that works; I'm physically inside the game, but I'm also physically present in real-life. Well- my body is.

I grew concerned, wondering if I was dying in the real world (insert here the shock of my life number 4) and he jumped to assure me that that wasn't the case, but the daily doses of cuts and bruises my body 'magically' gained overnight was the reason.

"I guess by now I would be in the hospital, too..." he mumbled. I couldn't help but agree, considering that his body is probably also under the hospital's care and possibly being dotted for gaining similar symptoms as I do. I wonder who found him?

I absently thought about my own friend group, wondering if they miss me at all as I hunted for more food to last me and Jin another week.

Oh, by the way, random fun fact: The pigs actually "spawn" at a certain area within the forest, so it's easier to find them. All I have to do is put up a little fight with their scrambling selves and retreat with their snorting arses to add to the farm. I've lost count of the pigs. I don't even know how to count all the way to ten in Spanish so there's that.

Yes, Dos and tres have ascended to this world's animal heaven. Emo, too. To be frank, they served pretty well while they lasted.


"Uhm, Diana?" Jin called out to me, clearly shy at whatever it is that has him reaching out to me while I stabbed at the shallow water by the river to gather more fish. "Yes?" I asked, pausing to pay attention to the elder male.

Did I mention he was 5 years older than me? Well, he's 24, so now you know.

Sure hope he doesn't mind the gap.. I sure don't (^-^)

Jin cleared his throat, "Uh, well, you know... waterfall... shower, and you're here..." he spluttered with red cheeks. I got the message and nodded, "Oh, yes, of course, I'll be by the cabin. Just scream if you're not done and I come too close. Or if anything happens." I pulled myself out of the water, unfolding my pants so they reach down to my ankles.

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