👾CH. 9👾

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It's taking them too long. Way too long. Something's not right. Definitely not. Jin was just about ready to launch himself into the forest himself just to reach the two missing people.

The sun was slowly but surely setting, it's form gradually lowered and hid behind taller trees, bringing long, outstretched shadows to loom over the camp area and darkness began to consume the day. It's nearly nighttime.

"Hyung!!" Jungkook's voice cut through the silence Jin was engulfed in with Taehyung.

The two boys stood up, watching anxiously as they waited for Jungkook to emerge from behind the dense forest before the two collectively let out gasps.

"Hyung, help! Diana, she- she won't wake up!" Jungkook cried, terrified for the girl in his arms laying motionless against him. He was panting heavily, instantly indicating the effort he put into rushing back as fast as possible.

Just how far in were they to take so long to reach back?

"Oh my god!" Jin cried, horrified at the large gash glaring back at him from her back. Taehyung's eyes stuck glued to her, guilt riding its way up his body and consuming him entirely at the state she was in. His eyes were as wide as saucers, the red slash glared back at him, it's fresh red colour making him feel dizzy.

Shaking his head, Taehyung rushed beside Diana and Jungkook as he helped the boy up the ladders safely without dropping her before Jin took the unconscious girl into his arms, carrying her into her room and laying her down on her stomach with Jungkook's help.

Jin shuddered at the torn shirt on her back, showing exactly how big the cut is. He pursed his lips, knowing that he can't begin with the shirt in the way and glanced over towards the apprehensive boys in the room.

"Why don't you two help yourself with something to eat? It's in the kitchen. I'll need to take her shirt off and see how bad the wound is. I'll call you guys back, okay?" Jin consulted softly.

Jungkook shook his head furiously, "No, please... I'm staying, hyung. I can't go. Please let me stay. I'll just turn away. I-I don't have an appetite." He refused. Jin nodded understandingly, knowing that the boy was just as attached to her as he was. Jin turned to Taehyung, offering him a small assuring smile, "How about you, Taehyung?" He asked.

Taehyung pursed his lips and nodded towards Jungkook, "I-I want to stay, too. I want to greet her when she wakes up." He explained.

"Okay. It's okay." Jin nodded before he called for Jungkook to help lift Diana up slightly so he can slip the damp shirt off. She had a sports bra on, making Jin let out a sigh.

'It's like a bikini. Don't think too much into it, it's fine. She'll hopefully understand.' Jin thought as he pushed her shirt away once it was off, while thanking Jungkook for the help.

He let out a shaky breath, seeing the wrap she tied around herself. 'When did this girl find the time to do this?' He wondered.

However, the wrap was already stained red - it was a thin layer; a single layer to make do for the time being. It wouldn't have held back the bleeding. Especially not through the haste Jungkook was in trying to get them back to camp.

Jin immediately got to work, untying the knot she made by her shoulder before unwrapping the material that was sticking to her skin like glue, making him grimace.

Jungkook let out a heart-wrenching sob while Jin gulped down on air desperately, feeling himself nearly lose his consciousness at the giant gash running down from her shoulder blades, to her lower back.

Taehyung covered his mouth in shock, tears gathering up into his already, glistening eyes. 'It's my fault.' He repeated within his mind at the sight.

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