👾CH. 52👾

103 8 11

~ Diana's POV ~

It's dark.


It's uncomfortable.

"Watch out!! Gosh!!"

Time feels endless and there's no way to tell if it has stopped or not. Maybe it did, but I have no clue about it.

It's hard to explain this silence. This silence is so loud and deafening, but quite obviously quiet. The ringing in my ears might have something to do with it.

"Hyung! Quick!!"

I feel weighted, but incredibly light at the same time. One thing is for certain, though - I can't bring myself to move.

Occasionally, I have these blinding bursts of light before they disappear into blackness as quickly as they came.

It's hard to tell if my eyes are open or closed. My muscles feel like boulders holding incredibly large pounds of weight, but I still feel afloat.

This feeling isn't welcomed. It's disorienting and makes me feel on edge. I want to be certain of what I feel, but my senses seem to be on overdrive and also numbed to the core all the same.

"No, no, no! It's too dangerous!"

Why? How did I get to this point?

Am I laying down or am I standing? Possibly sitting? What am I feeling? Why can't I tell clearly what it is that I feel?

"Forget it! It's too late, now! Leave it!"

How long have I felt like this? Was it just a second ago or much longer than that? Why can't I tell?

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! FUCK!!"

Am I being dragged deeper? Or am I floating back to the surface? This brief movement I feel is confusing. Why can't I tell?

"It's getting worse! Please, oh my god, what do we do?!"

Something keeps whispering now... or is it screaming? Why can't I tell?

"Everyone!! Over here! Come here, hurry!!!"

Why can't I tell?

"Get inside, goddamnit!!!"

Maybe I need to wait.

"It's charging this way!! It's so fast, oh god!!"

Yeah. I'll just wait. I can figure this out later. After all, there's seems to be plenty of time - or not, but...

...Later, it is.

"Quick, quick, quick!! Help me close it!!"

Whenever later comes...


~ Jin's POV ~

Panting like a nearly drowned rat, I tried to desperately catch my breath. As did the others.

We've been cornered mercilessly by a large some of those damned snakes. It seems as though their large stature is the only thing that's holding them back from their full potential.

I looked up from the ground, where I was hunched forward to regular my breathing and watched sadly as my brothers slumped to the ground with a thud, breathing heavily and sporting fresh wounds.

"Did we just..." Yoongi panted before continuing, "Just.. lock ourselves in?" He asked aloud.

"Please, don't..." Namjoon pleaded with a gasp for air. "I don't need to think of that, right now." He added.

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