Harley Quinn: New To Town

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Word Count: 2093

AN: This is request I got on Tumblr follow me @ Lowkeyerror for posts and to make request.

Gotham city was not exactly a place where anyone wanted to move to. It wasn't a beautiful city with big lights, bright stars, or an abundant amount of opportunity. It was a dark, dirty town filled with crime but it was your new home.

The rumors of the surplus of crime are what brought you to the city. The more crime around you the more chances you had to kick someone's ass. It was almost like the whole city was a free range target practice. Which was what you liked about it.

You hadn't yet had any encounters with the big names that you had never stopped hearing upon arrival to the city. No Batman, no Catwoman, no Joker, no Riddler, no Penguin, no Poison Ivy, and no Harley Quinn. The way everyone in the city talked about them you'd thought that by now you'd surely run into them one way or another.

" The city is quiet tonight," currently you were walking on rooftops with your bow and arrow on your back scouting the city for crime.

" Help, he stole my purse"

You took out your bow and loaded it with a bola bow before lazily shooting it at the robbers feet. It instantly wrapped around his feet and he fell face first to the ground.

" 10 points"

You kept moving across roofs hoping the woman took the chance and got her bag back.

As you kept moving you saw what looked like a boy about to be jumped by a group of 4 other boys. You rolled your eyes, " Boring." You sat down on your spot and shot 4 arrows landing directly in front of the bullies. They picked up the arrows and you laughed," Idiots" These specific arrows had electro pulses which meant when they picked them up they all would get electrocuted.

Sure enough in the next 3 seconds the group of boys were screaming and running away from their potential target.

" That's another 40 points bringing the night's total to a measly 50 points. Come on Gotham you have to have something a little more exciting for me"

As soon as you said that something caught your eye. There was another person perched on one of the rooftops with what looked like a crossbow shadowing a group of three people who were on the ground.

" Now this seems interesting"

You could see that the people on the ground were definitely trying to break into a warehouse of some kind. It looked like the lights were already on inside indicating that someone else was already there.

Every time the people on the ground moved in, so did the crossbow loser. Like who even likes crossbows, they are so overrated, no skill needed it's an arrow gun.

Once they were inside the building the crossbow stalker got down from the roof and followed them inside.

" Amateur"

You stayed high up crossing buildings until you made it on the top of the warehouse. You slipped through one of the rooftop windows with ease perching yourself on one of the beams inside which were meters above anything that was happening.

It looked like a trade of some sort was taking place between two organized crime groups. However neither of these groups were the people you had seen outside. You knew that they weren't cops because cops just go in guns blazing and whatever happens, happens. This must have been a hero group or something.

They sure are taking their sweet time doing the hero-ing. You can already tell that the deal is going bad even though you can't really hear what's happening. Your thoughts are confirmed when you see everyone in each group pull out their guns.

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