Not Alone On Christmas: Poison Ivy

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Word Count:1685

An: Like a lot of gifts this year these next couple of imagines are Christmas back orders that I didn't have time to upload but completed before the holidays.

Christmas in Gotham reminded you of the Grinch's house. Trash covered in pretty lights. Somehow there was still a little magic in the air, or it could've been poison from all of the pollution, but you'd never know.

Patrolling the city on Christmas Eve was the last thing you wanted to do, but Batman had called in reinforcements. You didn't work with him often, but whenever there had been large emergencies you'd join forces.

He didn't like calling on you because you weren't a 'by the book' hero and you didn't like working with him because he was such a square. The only goal you had in common was keeping Gotham safe.

You hadn't been out long before you had spotted a certain lime skinned villain, who seemed to be all on her lonesome. Naturally, you followed her for a bit, realizing she had just been walking in circles.

Batman would probably have something to say about this another day, but you didn't care. You took off your hero costume and slipped into regular clothes before approaching Ivy.

" All alone on Christmas Eve, Ivy?"

She kept her pace as you began to walk beside her," Selina's with batboy and Harley's on some mission with the Suicide Squad, so it's just me"

You frowned," Nope"

She gave you a sideways glance," What do you mean no Y/n ?"

You caught her gaze," I mean there's no way, I'm letting you spend Christmas alone"

Her arms crossed over her chest," Who said I wanted company?"

You gave her a charming smile," Everyone wants company on Christmas, Ivy. Now let's go before I get dizzy from walking in circles"

She sighs heavily but follows you regardless," Where are we going?"

" It's a surprise"

She stopped in her tracks," The last time I had a surprise, I ended up in Arkham."

You grabbed her hand and continued walking," I'm not throwing you in jail for Christmas. Now trust me"

She didn't drop your hand as the two of you walked to your surprise location," Shouldn't I be dying from your touch or something?"

" It won't hurt you unless I want it to"

You nodded," So I take it you like holding hands then"

She looked away from you," Shut up and keep walking"

" I would, but we've arrived," you had stopped in front of a small coffee shop. It was actually quite busy for Christmas Eve.

Ivy dropped your hand as the two of you walked into the establishment," This is cute"

" I know, you're welcome. Now, do you want eggnog or coco?"

" Does the eggnog have liquor in it?" she questioned.

You pulled out a flask from your coat pocket," It can"

She let out a small chuckle," Eggnog it is, then"

You went to the counter and ordered the drinks. When they were ready, you topped them off and handed one to Ivy.

" How comfortable would you be with going to my place?"

Ivy raised a brow," Why?"

" Because it's cold and Christmas Eve. We can watch movies, and I'll cook you dinner. You can stay overnight too. So we can spend Christmas together."

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