Hermione Granger

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Word count: 1302

They loved her; everyone. She was the smartest not only in her grade but in the entire Gryffindor house. It seems she has had the attention of almost every guy at Hogwarts. She wasn't interested in the Hogwarts boys she was more interested in Viktor Krum. That irked Y/n to the core.

The Triwizard tournament had brought the boy right to Hermione's lap. He was an idiot there was no other way to put it. The guy did not deserve Hermione and the fact that she was going to the ball with him... Fuck, it pissed Y/n off.

" Y/n aren't you going to the ball?" Y/n lifted her head up to be met with the eccentric Luna Lovegood. Her dress was the most bizarre thing Y/n had ever seen. It put a smile on the girl's face to see that Luna was comfortable as herself.

" You look beautiful Luna. I actually hadn't planned on going," Y/n stuck her head back in the book so deep you'd almost think she'd fall into it.

" Why not?"

" I didn't get a chance to ask the girl I wanted to go with. Now she's going with someone else," she explained to Luna." You could at least get a dance with her."

The young y/h thought about it but shook her head," It's alright I'm sure she'll have a wonderful time." Luna would not take no for an answer," Y/n L/n at least come to the ball even if it's only for a minute." There was no room for argument in her statement.

Y/n sighed and closed her book. She stared at the Ravenclaw before reluctantly getting up," Luna I can't go to the ball like this."

The girl was dressed in her uniform, her hair was a mess, and she didn't have to look in the mirror to see the bags under her eyes.

" It's only for a second Y/n, no need to dress up if you aren't planning on staying," Luna continued to drag Y/n to the ball. When they arrived at The Great Hall Y/n was speechless.

The decor was magnificent, it made her feel under dressed. She immediately wanted to turn away and run out of the hall. As she made her way out she bumped into someone landing on her back

" Oh I'm so sorry- Y/n?" Y/n recognized immediately that the voice belonged to Hermione. When she glanced up the first thing she noticed wasn't the beautiful dress she wore. The first thing Y/n noticed was the distress in the Gryffindor's features.

" Are you alright, Mione?" The girl got to her feet quickly concerned about the condition of Hermione. " I'm fine," Y/n didn't get the chance to respond as Hermione rushed out quickly after.

" So you just plan to stand here, instead of going after her?" Luna asked Y/n who made no move to follow the girl. " She said she was fine, Luna. Hermione... she's a strong girl, she can handle herself. Besides if she needs something I'm sure Harry, Ron, Viktor, or someone will help. They love her, everyone loves her."

" Oh Y/n, you are looking too far into everyone's thoughts about Hermione. Everyone's except her own. Maybe they do love her, but maybe she doesn't think she deserves their love. Maybe she's down on herself right now and needs someone to be there for her," Luna's speech made Y/n realize she never actually thought about this from Mione's perspective.

Y/n rushed out of the hall looking everywhere for Hermione. The people who saw her would say she was a lunatic. Running around everywhere screaming for Hermione.

Y/n made an abrupt turn down a dark stairwell. It was there she finally found Hermione silently sobbing. The young y/h slowly approached the crying girl, sitting beside her on the step.

The Gryffindor opened her mouth to speak but closed it immediately. Instead she just rested her head on Y/n's shoulder. Y/n in turn wrapped her arms around the girl.

They sat there in silence for what seemed like centuries. Y/n didn't mind at all as she was focused solely on the feelings of the young woman beside her.

" Y/n do you think I made a mistake going to the ball with Viktor?" Y/n paused before answering," I think you did what you wanted to do and that's okay. It doesn't matter what anyone has to say about this matter because it is only your decision to judge."

" You skillfully avoided my question Y/n. I just want an honest yes or no." This time Y/n locked eyes with Hermione before she spoke," Well my opinion is a bit biased but yes. I don't think going with Viktor was the right choice. I mean sure he's the strong, handsome, foreign guy but he doesn't deserve you 'Mione."

Hermione scoffed at Y/n's answer," You mean I don't deserve him." Hermione starts to get up, but Y/n pulls her back down, this time she falls in Y/n's arms. " Hermione Granger, you deserve the galaxy and everything in it. Viktor is... he's an idiot 'Mione. You're a genius. Anything Viktor has to offer you, you could get yourself. He is never going to be good enough for you. I mean he didn't even look for you when you ran out of the ball. You deserve so much more Hermione."

" Y/n I'm almost certain you're the only one who thinks that," she wasn't believing a word of what Y/n had to say.

" 'Mione, the people love you. Everyone here loves you. They know in your heart you are pure and in your head you are brilliant. Why can't you see that?"

" The pressure is killing me Y/n! Don't you know what it's like to try to hold up a perfect image of yourself to everyone? They praise you for it, but deep down you know you don't deserve it. It doesn't matter if they 'love' me because it'll never be in the way I need" The Gryffindor tried once again to get out of Y/n's grasp but Y/n wouldn't let go.

" 'Mione-"


" Hermione," Y/n says barely above a whisper.

" Please Y/n let me go please." The girl wanted nothing more but run away from this conversation. Instead of letting her go, Y/n turned Hermione around so that they were face to face.

She took in the tear strokes along the other girls face. She finally looked at the girls beautiful dress. Hermione was stunning in every sense of the word. Y/n had almost froze up.

" What is it Y/n." Hermione said annoyance present in her voice. " You're absolutely stunning." Even in the dark the slight tint on her cheeks were visible. " Thank you Y/n. Now let me go." Hermione persisted but Y/n didn't comply.

" I- I love you Hermione. I love you the way the others can't. I love you from my skin to my bones. I wanted to go to the Yule Ball with you, but Viktor asked you first. I'm not even upset about it anymore because here I am with you. This is the most vulnerable I've ever seen you and all I want to do is be here for you. I-"

Hermione leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Y/n's lips. So gentle it was like kissing a cloud. Soft, smooth, like silk.

Hermione rose out of Y/n's arms and waited for the other girl to follow her lead. Hermione intertwined their hands," Thank you for being here Y/n."

" I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

The girls smiled widely at each other. Walking out of the dark corridor into the light. Both of them with content smiles on their faces knowing that what had just happened would continue for the rest of their lives.

An: Yes I know Luna didn't go to the ball because she was only a third year but let's just say a senior asked her.

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