Natasha Romanoff: Failure

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Word Count: 1500

High school has always been depicted as this crazy time in life where you should just do what you want. There were supposed to be parties, pep rallies, and maybe a little drama on the side.

It wasn't like that for you. Mostly because you were hitting your peak as a gifted kid suffering from burnout. Everything was becoming slightly out of your reach and it was driving you crazy.

You spent many nights studying into the early morning to try and keep it up with the workload but it hardly worked. Staying up like that only made you exhausted for class and you'd end up dozing off.

Your straight A's were turning into mediocre C's and as much as you tried to convince yourself it didn't matter, it did. You were feeling so many conflicting emotions at once.

You were upset that you were falling behind, upset that falling behind made you so angry, and just depressed because you felt like you were slowly turning into a failure.

It had taken such a toll on you physically and mentally that your friends had started to take notice. Natasha was especially worried for you. The two of you had known each other for a long time and she had never seen you in a state like this before.

She tried her best to make sure that you weren't just thinking about school all the time. It didn't work all the time but it worked enough to keep from having a breakdown.

" I'm worried about Y/n"

Steve chuckled at the red head," No offense Tasha but when are you not?"

This causes the group to laugh while Natasha just rolled her eyes," I haven't seen her since 2nd. It's not like her to skip"

This makes everyone stop laughing and shoot each other nervous glances.

" Now that you mention it I didn't see her in 4th," Wanda chimed in.

This sends Natasha into slight panic. Where were you? You never cut class, something had to be wrong.

" Well you saw her in 2nd and she was missing by 4th so something probably happened in her third," Bruce inferred.

" Doesn't she have Calc 3rd," Tony jumped in and a lightbulb went off in Nat's head.

" That's her worst class. Fuck it, I'm going to go look for her, I'll catch up with you guys later," Before anyone could say anything Natasha had already left.

She started by searching all over the campus. She checked the bathrooms, the bleachers, and the locker rooms, but you weren't in any of those places.

The more places she looked the more she began to worry. She was starting to suspect you had left the school entirely and if that was the case you could literally be anywhere.

The bell for class to start had already rang but Natasha didn't care about class more than she cared about finding you. She was making her way off the campus in an effort to find you when she saw your car parked in the lot.

Natasha ran towards the car and felt relief washing through her as she saw you laying in the back seat.

She knocked on the window causing you to shoot up in your spot. When Nat met your eyes she could easily tell that you had been crying.

You hesitated for a moment but ended up unlocking the car door. The red headed girl slid into the backseat next to you. You could feel her eyes rapidly scanning your body for any damage.

" I'm ok Natasha"

" What happened?"

You didn't want to tell her what happened. Frankly it was embarrassing for you. Everything about it screamed over dramatic but it didn't feel like that at the moment. In the moment you felt overwhelmed and you reacted accordingly.

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