Wanda Maximoff: Simple

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Word Count: 1851

An: I'm back after having writers block for a bit that being said I won't be taking any request for a bit. I kind of  just want to write what feels good for a bit. Hope you like the chapter.

You were a simple person, maybe even a little too simple. You didn't want too much of anything from life. You already had an amazing job in being an Avenger. That job gave you a nice check and allowed you to feel financially secure.

For a long time that's all you need from life. There was a time when you didn't know when your next meal was going to be or where you were going to lay your head at night. When those things changed it was all you could ever hope for. Wanting anything else almost felt selfish.

However that changed when the Avengers fought Ultron. That's when you first met Wanda. Something about her instantly intrigued you. You were even more intrigued when her and her brother switched sides to help you instead of destroy you.

Pietro didn't make it but she did and with nowhere else to go she ended up joining the team. That's when you first realized something was missing from your simple little life. That something seemed more and more like Wanda as the days went on.

She kept to herself most of the time. When she was socializing it was mostly with Vision. No offense to Vision but it really bothered you that she found a robot more interesting than you. He was a complex android that you never could compete with. You were too simple. You had blood and bone and a brain that functioned at normal capacity.

She looked at him like he was her everything though they hadn't known each other long. It was a hard pill for you to digest.

" You're looking terribly jealous over here," hearing Tony made you jump out of your trance.

" Why would I be jealous they're just talking?" You averted your gaze from Wanda and Vision to focus solely on Tony.

" Well I haven't seen you ever have an engaging conversation with Wanda"

Your cheeks flushed," We've talked before."

Tony let out a hearty laugh," You've exchanged words but I wouldn't ever call that a conversation"

You deflated," You programmed a trillion dollar sentient android. How am I supposed to compete with that?"

Tony paused for a moment. He was trying to think of something to say that wouldn't make you feel too bad but he couldn't," You can't. He may be made of wires and bolts but he has emotions just like you. In that aspect you're no different but he's smarter than you, stronger than you, and apparently more sociable than you"

You stared at the billionaire with a blank expression on your face," I'm going for a walk"

As you were preparing to exit the compound someone called out to you," Y/n wait"

Before you knew it Wanda was standing next to you with a small smile on her face.

" Where are you going?"

" I- uh just for a walk," you were slightly surprised that she was even interested.

" Do you mind if I join you?"

You stood there dumbfounded for a little too long. Wanda's smile turned into a slight frown," It's fine if you want to be alone. I get it"

" NO. I mean, no it's cool. I'd love it if you would join me"

The awkward smile on your face didn't deter the woman at all. You two exited the compound side by side.

Your brain was going a hundred miles a minute. You couldn't figure out why Wanda wanted to go on a walk with you. Maybe she just wanted to get out of the compound for a moment or maybe she was trying to see if you knew any gossip on the team.

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