Wanda Maximoff: Comfort

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Word Count: 1396

" Y/n?"

I pulled my gaze away from my phone only to be met with my whole friend group staring at me.

" Hm," I gave them my attention.

" Sleepover at the Maximoff's, you're going," Natasha told me rather than asking.

" What if I had plans?"

Tony laughed," We are the only people you interact with."

Tony's words cause me to roll my eyes," By choice, Richie Rich."

I didn't have a problem staying at the Maximoff household. In fact, they had the second-nicest house in the group (only second to Tony). I just had to keep my mean streak alive.

" So we'll see you there?" Wanda asked enthusiastically.

She was my polar opposite in the group. While she was the popular, bubbly, cheerleader; I was the sarcastic, yet quiet, pessimistic one of the group. She was the yin to my yang in a way.

Before I could answer, Natasha stepped in again," I'll pick her up at 6."

Wanda was still waiting for my own confirmation. I nodded and let out a heavy sigh," I mean, it doesn't sound like I have much of a choice."

A smile presented itself over her features," Good, it's not the same without you."

I looked away from the group to hide the light blush on my face from Wanda's kind words.

" Yes, because Y/n has so much budding personality," Clint chimed in.

" Clint, all of your personality comes from Laura, maybe we should invite her instead?"

Bruce broke out in laughter," You poked the bear and got the claws, my friend."

" So what time? What should I bring? Will there be adult supervision or?"

I tuned out the conversation as Steve began to ramble. My eyes unintentionally shifted over to Wanda. She was beautiful, way out of my league. Even just for friendship.

I had a crush on her for about as long as I could remember. No one knew about it, thankfully. I'm sure Natasha had her suspicions, but she never brought it up. Besides, Wanda had a boyfriend, his name was Jarvis, but everyone called him Vision. Football players and their weird nicknames, right.

He made her happier than she already was, which made him alright in my book.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the free period. I reluctantly let Steve drag me to put the next class together. He was still talking a mile a minute, trying to figure out what he was bringing to the Maximoff's.

When school was over, I went home and threw some clothes in a bag. Natasha ended up coming by early, and we hung out for a bit.

" So, I saw you blushing early today."

" I don't know what you're talking about," I brushed her off easily.

Natasha smirked," You know I've had my suspicions, but I think that I've found concrete evidence."

" Evidence of what exactly?"

Her eyes twinkled with mischief as they met mine," You like Wanda."

" Of course I do. In the same way, I like you or Steve or any of our friends."

Natasha shakes her head," You know that's not what I meant."

Before she could go any further, both of our phones went off. It was a message to the group chat, but without Wanda.

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