Liv Morgan: Attention

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Word Count: 961


You didn't want to necessarily say you were trying to bother your girlfriend. Though that was exactly what you were trying to do. She had her nose buried in a book. You loved that, for her, she didn't get enough peace of mind on the road to just read.

However, this was your first time seeing her in a while and you wanted her full attention.

" Liv?"

" Hmm"

" You thirsty baby?"

She grunts to signal no.

You pout and take a seat next to her. You pretend to scroll through your phone, when in actuality you were watching Liv.

Her features were ever so gentle. The way her head was angled sight down, folding into the book. Her eyes slightly magnified through her glasses carefully scanned the pages.

Oh, how you wished to be that book. An idea began to float around in your head. You moved closer to her, waiting to see if she would stop you. Her focus stayed on the book.

Your thigh brushed against hers. She didn't address it, so you left your thigh next to hers. She turned the page of the book like mothing was happening.

You counted in your head and decided to move again as you reached 50. Your head delicately dropped to Liv's shoulder.

The words in the book were so small. You didn't bother to read them, just enjoying being close to your girlfriend.

Liv quickly kissed the top of your head. It was only for a moment, but she laced her fingers with your, squeezing lightly, before returning to holding the book.

You placed a soft kiss on her collarbone. It caused her breathing to hitch. She was quick to cover up the movement. A smirk found its way to your lips.

Again, you kissed her collarbone. This time you lingered delicately, grazing your teeth across her skin.

" Y/n," she mumbled, gripping onto the pages in the book.

" What?" Your mouth latched on to her neck, sucking with care.

" Baby, my book," she whined as your tongue dragged along her neck.

Your hand trailed up her thigh," What's it about?"

Liv's eyes fluttered as you continued to nip at her neck," What?"

Your hand slid up to her chin and back down again," What's the book about, Liv?"

" Two girls and a boy... One girl popular, one girl not, and the boy in b-between them"

You chuckle against her neck, causing her to shiver," I think we've seen a video like that before."

Liv's skin flushes red, but she still manages to answer you," Not like that... well it's kind of like that. The- the popular girl is hooking up with the guy in secret."

Your hand finds itself caressing Liv through her pants. Subconsciously, Liv began to grind with your hand motions.

" Interesting, what's the not popular girl doing?"

" She um... She lives by the boy. She likes him and would be with him public-ly."

In a swift motion, you are off the couch and on your knees in front of Liv. Her face is covered by the book. Your hands rested on her knees, spreading them open.

" Baby, it's been awhile since we've seen each other, hasn't it?"

You could see her head nodding from behind the book but decided to make her speak," I didn't hear you"

She finally sets the book down on the arm of the couch, looking you in the eyes.

" Yes"

You leave a trail of slow kisses up the wrestler's thigh," I missed you."

" I missed you too," she was working on steadying her breathing.

" You're a very intelligent woman. I love that you love reading. I really do, but I would like some of the attention you were giving to that book, ok?"

Liv's hand playfully grabs a fistful of your hair, pushing you closer to her. She giggles as your lips touch hers," All you had to do was ask."

When your lips fully collide, it was everything you wanted and more. Liv was quick to get you off of the floor and straddling her waist. She hastily removed your bottoms. Your thighs were now placed on either side of hers.

However, you didn't focus too much on the details of your body as Liv's tongue explored your mouth. She prodded at your own tongue, swirling against it, causing you both to moan.

She began to thrust up into you, and you rolled your hips on her lap. Her hands found your sides. The heat from her touch was driving you insane.

" Liv," you moaned as she pushed you down hard against her thigh. She uses her hold on you to guide you up and down the length of her thigh.

Your head is thrown back in pleasure that is only amplified when Liv removes one hand from your thigh to grab your neck.

She forces you to look at her," Cum all over my thigh, baby. I've made you wait long enough."

She smashes her lips against you as you feverishly grind on her thigh. It only took a moment for your built-up pressure to be released.

Your head rested in the crook of her neck. Your breathing was ragged as you were riddled with aftershocks.

Liv ran a hand through your head as you leaned into her. It was her this time who placed a soft kiss on your collar bone," I love you"

You mumbled into her neck," I love you too"

Reluctantly, the two of you untangle your limbs. Liv gets a warm cloth to clean you up, the touches are innocent and light. When she finishes, she drags you into the bedroom.

The two of you cuddle together and spend the rest of the day watching movies. She gave you her full attention for the rest of the day.

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