Poison Ivy: Just My Luck

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Word Count: 1925

Everyone knows that Gotham is full of lowlifes and criminals. It's not a place to raise a family or settle down in. You're lucky if you make it through the day without someone trying to rob you at the least.

All of that aside, Gotham is the only home you've ever known. You were just a regular person trying to live your day to day without dying. Which was hard with your condition.

You called it a condition but no one else had seen it that way. You were terribly unlucky when it came to avoiding danger. So unlucky that you had cited yourself as a victim of Murphy's Law. Anything bad that could happen would happen.

You had so many close encounters with the villains of Gotham that they knew you by name. They actually really like you because you were around that meant they'd be getting away with whatever it was they were doing.

You'd met Scarecrow, Penguin, Riddler, Deathstroke, The Joker and all scared the living shit out of you. Seeing a fucking psychopath smile when they see you is always horrifying.

You had met some of Gotham's most illustrious women but it was different with them. Catwoman and Harley were always awfully flirty whenever they came across you.

You knew that they weren't necessarily good guys but it seemed like a stretch to say that they were just as bad as the guys.

Your thoughts always wander back to topics like these. Even at times like this, where all you were doing was sitting on the rooftop of your workplace for your break.

You had your legs dangling off the edge of the building, eating your turkey sandwich, minding your own business.

That was it until you heard thuds on the rooftop. With your sandwich in hand you turned around. You weren't fazed when you saw Harley and Catwoman panting with their backs flat against the concrete.

They immediately put their guard up when they heard the footsteps approaching them but relaxed when they saw you.

" Thank God you're here I don't think I could run anymore'" Catwoman let her body fall back to the concrete.

" How ya doin princess?" Harley asked, causing you to blush.

" I'm ok, should I even ask what you guys are doing?"

" The usual taking something that doesn't belong to us," Harley answers for the both of them.

Your eyes dart to their bag of stolen goods. You see some clothes, some jewelry, and an odd looking plant.

" See something you like, Y/nn"

You let your eyes linger on the plant before answering," That just seems a little misplaced Catwoman"

" Does she not know your name kitty?" Harley ignores most of your comments.

" You can call me Selena, beautiful and the plant is for Ivy"

You weren't dumb, you knew they were talking about Poison Ivy. The only villain that you hadn't had an encounter with. Part of you was really curious as to how you hadn't run into the woman. She was honestly hard to miss with her having green skin and all.

" Never met her"

Harley's eyes almost looked like they were going to pop out of her head," HOW HAVE YOU NEVER MET IVY? Oh my goodness, you'd love her. No chemicals needed of course."

You shook your head," You think so?"

" Ivy's more than a crazy plant lady; she's actually a certified chemist," Harley adds on.

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