Selina Kyle: Chase

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Word Count: 1762

For Selina, it was always about the chase. She found a certain thrill in evading the arms of justice. It made her feel unstoppable, free.

Y/n hated the chase. There was something profoundly exhausting about always being just out of reach. It made her feel idiotic, tired.

However, there was something both women had in common. The capture was the best part.

For Y/n, finally being able to catch her breath, only for it to be stolen away by plush lips, made the chase worth it.

For Selina, the weight on top of her was like a reward. It was as though a pool of diamonds lay on her chest, she was reveling in her score.

So as the two ran across the rooftops of Gotham, Y/n trailing behind Selina, they both were anxious.

The sound of shoes pounding against the concrete, grounded Y/n. Her breathing was loud, but steady. The cool Gotham air did little to regulate the heat radiating from her body.

Y/n didn't always catch Selina, but tonight she needed to. She wouldn't be discouraged by the chase, no matter how her lungs burned or how much her legs ached. Tonight, she needed her breath to be stolen.

It was effortless for Selina. Her breath and steps were nonexistent to the sound barrier. She was light on her feet and had perfect breath control. All she heard was the woman gaining on her from behind.

Selina could tell Y/n wanted it. There was an urgency in her pace that Selina had only known to lead to good nights.

The burglar could see vivid images of nights the two spent together. Lips on skin, sweat dripping profusely, cries lost in the Gotham sky; fuck. She needed this.

Y/n pounced when she saw her opening. Selina's back hit hard against the concrete rooftop. She hissed, but didn't do much more than that.

The hero panted as she straddled Catwoman. Her eyes locked on Selina's. With her chest heaving and her brow furrowed, she spoke," I wish you'd stop making me chase you."

" Can't keep up?"

Y/n pinned Selina's wrists above her head," You know I don't have a stamina problem. My problem is that every time I want to fuck you, I'm forced to run a marathon."

"Oh you poor thing."

Her faux pity only frustrated Y/n even more.

The hero was quick to connect their lips. Y/n kissed Selina as if she was her source of oxygen. The hands stayed above the thief's head as the kiss intensified.

Selina's hips buck upwards towards Y/n, begging for more.

Y/n chuckled against the woman's lips," You want more, Kitty?"

" I need you to fill me up," her eyes were already becoming cloudy.

" Well, I don't have the tools to do that on this rooftop, do I?"

Selina groaned, pushing the girl off of her before briefly taking in her surroundings.

" This way, and don't be slow."

It was Y/n's turn to groan as the woman began sprinting across the rooftops. They'd only crossed a few buildings when Y/n caught the woman slinking through a window. She was hesitant, but followed Selina anyway.

They landed in a bedroom.

" You know this is grounds for arrest, right?"

Selina rolled her eyes," I live here. Less talking, more fucking."

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