Chapter 4

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Beeb Beeb Beeb

Mei woke up to her alarm, she looked at the clock and it was 5:30 so she stood up and stretched her arms out a bit then went to take a shower. After she was done, she got dressed up and ate some breakfast and studied a bit, then left the house at 7:30 since she had some work to do at the school.

Yuzu woke up at 6:00 as usual and did her morning routine. So she did some workouts and took a shower then dressed up and did her make-up. This time she had her school uniform on. She looked at the clock and it was 7: 45, she got out of the house and walked to school because she didn't want to wait a whole 30 minutes. 

On her way, she saw a raven-haired woman walking from far away from her. 

'Huh, isn't that Mei or am I seeing things? Should I go to her and walk together with her?' Yuzu thought and ran up to Mei.

"Hey Mei!" 

Mei heard a familiar voice shout and tuned around to look who it was and was met up with emerald green eyes. She could hear her heartbeats fasten. 

"Good morning Mei..." Yuzu said nervously since she remembered what happened the other day.

"Morning Yuzu ..." Mei said feeling embarrassed from the other day and avoided eye contact, but tried to keep it in her cold tone. 

They continued walking and the silence grew. 

" ... Sorry about yesterda-" Mei said as she broke the silence but Yuzu cut her off. 

"No, don't worry about it. hehe, I was just surprised t-that's all." Yuzu blushed as she said it. 

"Yet, I wanted to apologize to you. I wasn't thinking back then." Mei said and looked to her side still feeling embarrassed.

Before they knew it they were in front of the school building. They entered the empty school and went inside, Yuzu just followed Mei to the student council room since Harumi wasn't there and her classroom was locked. 

"Mei, you know... a-actually... I didn't hate it when you ki... kissed my cheek."Yuzu said blushing deeply and looked away so Mei couldn't see her red face. 

Mei was shocked and blushed really hard. 

"D-do you mind doing it...again?" Yuzu asked shyly. 'Shitttt, Why did I ask her that?!!!'

Mei walked up to her with her red face and was about to kiss her cheek, but they heard someone knock on the door. 

"Meimei, are you in there?" Himeko asked. 

Mei kissed Yuzu's cheek fast and pulled away then walked to the door and opened it for Himeko, trying to calm herself down so Himeko wouldn't get suspicious. She let Himeko in and Himeko looked around and spotted Yuzu standing in a corner spacing out, she glared a bit at her.

 "Morning Meimei!... Morning O-Okogi-san," Himeko said hugging Mei and then looked again at Yuzu. "Why is she here and why is she spacing out. Did something happen?" she whispered. 

Mei looked away avoiding eye contact and just said, "She just wanted to talk about some stuff, about our school rules, and was shocked about how many they were. That's why she is spacing out." 

Mei grabbed Yuzu's hand and went behind the school with her to an empty place so she could bring her back to reality.

Yuzu always spaced out when she was little, so this isn't new for Mei.

Mei called her name multiple times but Yuzu didn't respond, she thought for a minute and slapped her cheeks two times not really hard but it didn't work either. She then chubbed her cheeks and took a good look at her face and then stared at her lips, without realizing she lent closer and closer and was about to kiss her. 

Yuzu opened her eyes and was shocked and asked, "Uhm, Mei what are you doing?" 

Mei then realized that she was about to kiss her and pulled away from Yuzu's face. "W-well you see, you were spacing out a-and I called you multiple times. B-but you didn't answer s-so I-I thought that maybe if I k-kissed you, you will come back to reality." Mei said stuttering a lot looking away feeling embarrassed. 'Shit, why am I stuttering a lot?! I normally don't stutter that much! Ughhhh'

Yuzu was confused then remembered why she spaced out and felt her heart quicken. "Me-" Yuzu was about to say something but the bell rang and they headed inside the building. They avoided each other in class and every time they saw each other they blushed and looked away.


The day went by and school was over. 

"Yuzucchi! Wanna grab something to eat since you didn't eat a thing?" Harumi asked Yuzu, and Yuzu just nodded not saying a word.

On their way to a snack bar to grab something small to eat, Harumi noticed that Mei and Yuzu were avoiding each other at school so she decided to ask her why they were avoiding each other there. 

"Yuzucchi, is there something between you and the prez? You know you can always talk about it."

"Y-yeah I know. W-well uhm ......" Yuzu answered nervously when she heard that question.

To Be Continued...

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