Chapter 40

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It is lunchtime right now and K, Mei's best friend rushed to the chairwoman's office screaming to hear the details.

Hearing a knock, Mei already sat her paperwork down and waited for the person to come in. 

The door opened to reveal this long, brunette girl wich had a slight grin on. Closing the door right behind her, she hurried to her seat -which she has bought personally for her for when she and Mei talked- and sat down.

Clasping her hands in front of her, she leaned on the desk and raised a brow at Mei.

Mei sighed and took her reading glasses out, "You are so annoying, I swear" 

Hearing K chuckle she couldn't stop the smile that was forming on her mouth.

"Go ahead Aihara, I want to know who she is. Oh, and did I mention that you are glowing? Like literally, I can see the glow shine. Which means... you two had se-"

Mei groaned in frustration and blushed deeply at her friend who was interrupted by Mei's phone ringing. Sneaking a peek at the raven haired girl, she couldn't help the smirk on her lips. She mentioned for Mei to answer the phone.

Grabbing her phone Mei was met with a cheery blonde.

"Good morning sexy"

Mei turned in her seat around so she was facing the windows now instead of K's teas full face.

"You know you already said that this morning?" Mei chuckled softly.

"Of course I do, I just thought that... well, maybe you forgot?" Yuzu giggled on the other line before continuing, "Have you had lunch, Mei?"

"Uhm, no not yet. My friend K is here and wants to have a talk before the break is over. Don't worry about me, I will eat my lunch. What about you?"

"I am eating it right now" the blonde grinned, even though Mei didn't see it she could imagine her doing so, "How's work?"

Smiling softly Mei slowly turned the chair, "It's good, a lot of paperwork but no trouble"

"That's good to hear... Oh! By the way, I called to say that I will come and pick the kids up. You don't mind right?" 

Chuckling to herself Mei answered, "Of course not, why would I mind?"

"I don't know, hehe. When should I come and pick you up? Is around six alright with you?"

"Mhm, that is a perfect timing... but uhm, I need to go right now. K is teasing the hell out of me with her eyes and we aren't even talking about something in particular" 

Yuzu chuckled, "Alright, Bye baby. Love you, mwuah" Pretending to kiss, Mei giggled at her childishness.

"Bye love, love you too" 

After she hang up and set her phone -upside down- on the table, she tried to be more interested in her paperwork than her friend.

"Don't make me wait" Grinning to herself, K snapped the paper away.

"What K?"

"Who is she?"

"Do I really have to do this?"

Crossing a leg over the other, K relaxed in her seat and smirked, "mhm, and don't miss any detail"

"God you are so embarrassing" Mei furrowed her brows when K's smirk only grew. 

"Alright Ugh, she is my girlfriend. we haven't seen each other for five years and you know what kinda happened between that time... Anyways, we were forced to part away from each other and before that, she was my girlfriend. We Were living this happy teenage love. After some months, that one incident happened and I was forced with him. You know how he is with me so I don't have to talk about that..." 

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