Chapter 8

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Morning came by and Yuzu was the first one to wake up. She opened her eyes staring at the ceiling, then felt something heavy on her chest. She looked down and blushed seeing Mei's sleeping face. Mei was sleeping on Yuzu's chest with her arms wrapped around her waist, her face was also facing Yuzu's face. 'Cute~' Yuzu thought. She tried to get up without waking Mei up but Mei grabbed her pulling her back in bed. "mhm...stay..." is all that Mei said and hugged her again then continued sleeping. She left Yuzu speechless with a face like a tomato, her heart was beating so fast and hard that even Mei could hear it.

Yuzu stayed like that for about a half-hour then Mei woke up. "mmg, m-morning already?" Mei groaned while opening her eyes. She then blushed hard when she realized that she was holding Yuzu and not letting her go. "M-mei! You're awake? G-good morning" Yuzu said while looking at Mei in the eyes. "Mmm Morning Yuzu," Mei said before letting go of Yuzu and buried her face in Yuzu's neck.

"Mhg...M-MEIII! AAAAAAH!" Yuzu yelped in pain when Mei bit her hard on the neck.
"hehe, this is payback for not being with me when I needed you~" Mei whispered seductively in Yuzu's ears.
Yuzu could feel Mei's smirk.
"D-don't tease m-me like that!" Yuzu pouted and put her hand on the bite mark.
"As you wish~" Mei then leaned closer to Yuzu and was about to kiss her but then Yuzu grabbed her and pinned her down in bed getting on top of her.
"hehe~My turn~," Yuzu said and leaned closer to Mei's neck.
"W-wait, what do you think you're doi-AHHHH~" Mei blushed pretty hard when she realized that she just moaned and put her hand on the bite mark.
Yuzu only smirked at her and licked her lips seeing this side of Mei.

"Yuzu! Mei! W-what going o-" Alissa and Ume stopped when they opened the door and saw Yuzu sitting on top of Mei.
"Yuzu please explain!" Ume said sternly witch made Yuzu gulp.
"G-good morning aunt a-and mama. You see I was just tickling her" Yuzu said and begone tickling Mei.
"Ahahahaha Y-Yuzu sto-hahaha," Mei said between her laughs trying to push Yuzu's hands away.
"See?" Yuzu said and smiled innocently.
Ume and Alissa only found that a bit suspicious bet shrugged it off
"Alright, but please keep it down. Oh I almost forgot Alissa and I will go out to buy some groceries and stuff, do you need anything?" Ume asked the two girls.
Mei and Yuzu nodded a no and then Ume and Alissa left.
"Mei, we should now get up and wash up," Yuzu said as she got off Mei.
"Right." Mei then got off the bed.
"You go and take a bath first, I will prepare breakfast for us." Yuzu said and Mei nodded then left to take a bath.

'I can't believe that Yuzu and I are together now! hehe, she's so cute when her mother gets angry at her. Just that look on her face when they almost caught us. Even though I'm not ticklish she just made me laugh' Mei thought and began to giggle. But the she realized that Yuzu really was the only person that makes her giggle or laughs.
She stared at the walls until she heard a knock.
"Mei, I brought you some of my clothes to wear. Sorry about that but your clothes aren't dry yet." Yuzu said from the other side. "May I come in and put your clothes on the chair?"
"Yeah come in. The door is unlocked"
Yuzu came in but closed her eyes trying not to look at her girlfriend. Mei found that expression cute.
"You already saw me naked, why are you closing your eyes?"
"U-uhm...I-I...Well, you need some privacy you know" Yuzu said hiding her blush then walked out the door and closed it. 'I-I wanted to see her body soo bad~!' Yuzu pouted in her thoughts and continued preparing breakfast for them.

Mei was done with bathing and grabbed the clothes that Yuzu gave her. Even though it wasn't her style, she put them on and liked the outfit Yuzu picked out.
"You're done just in time! I made Omurice with a bear in it, isn't it cute?" Yuzu said with a bright smile on her face.
"I-it is! Thank you, Yuzu for the breakfast it looks delicious" Mei said with a slight blush on her face and smiled at Yuzu. They then ate and washed the dishes when they were done.

After a while, Mei wanted to read something but couldn't find anything that got her interested. Yuzu was drawing and writing something down and hid it straight away when she saw looking at her.
"I-is there something Mei?" Yuzu asked nervously and was scared if Mei saw what she just drew.
"Do you have any interesting books that I can read? I can't find a book that got my interest in this bookshelf." Mei said and continued looking for a book.
"Well, I read yuri manga and novels even though I hated the idea of two girls. If you want I have a big collection where you can pick a book from." Yuzu said and headed to her room with Mei.
"I never thought that you were in that kind of stuff but sure. I mean I can give it a try."
Yuzu opened a closed in the corner of the room witch was filled with manga and novels from top to the end.
"Here! You can pick a book that gets your interest!" Yuzu said then left Mei in the room. 'Wow, she sure has an obsession or something' Mei thought and began to search for a book.

"Haaahh, that was close. She almost saw the drawing! I need to hide it before anyone sees it!" Yuzu began to look for a safe place to hide the drawing she made.
After she found a safe place she put the drawing there and went back to the room to check if Mei found something interesting.
"Mei, did you find anything inter- W-where did you find this book?" Yuzu trembled and was embarrassed by what Mei was holding.
"I was looking for an interesting book but this book fell and I was confused why you had this type of a book. Are you in this kind of stuff?" Mei asked Yuzu calmly as if it was the most normal thing to her.
'shit!!! Why do I still have that BDSM book? Ughhh MATSURIIIII I HATE YOUUUUU.' Yuzu was a bit pissed at Matsuri for not throwing the book away.
"Wh-what do you mean stuff?"
"You know what I mean, kinky sex? robes, bandages, or sex toys?" Yuzu blushed like crazy and was so embarrassed she didn't even know what to do but Mei continued "I also thought that I saw a vibrator in one of your clos-"
Yuzu then decided to cut her off and couldn't hold it anymore "Shhhh! N-no I don't know! And please put it back and pick something else." Yuzu pleaded. But the answer that Mei gave her shocked her.
"Why, I want to learn more about it. It is useful for the future you know~" Mei said with a smirk on her face teasing Yuzu even more.
"Meiiiii, please! Stop teasing." Yuzu continued pleading.
Mei's smirk only grew as she got an idea.
"Alright, I will. need to go out with me and buy some stuff. Deal?"
"D-deal!" Yuzu said and left

'Poor you, sorry for not telling you~hehe I just want to see your expression already~' Mei thought while grabbing another book and licked her lips.

To Be Continued...

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