Chapter 5

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"Meimei, is there something on your mind?" Himeko asked Mei while finishing the last paperwork. 

"No, not really. What makes you think so?" Mei asked while she signed some papers. 

"Well, you and that Okogi were avoiding each other after you grabbed her to make her snap out of her own world. Is there something going on between the two of you?" 

Himeko was a bit suspicious about Mei. Mei on the other hand blushed deeply when she remembered the kiss that she had almost given her. She walked away with some paper in her hands and put them in their places, also she did that to hide her blush and act normal. 

"About t-that, there is nothing between us and... it is none of your business, so please don't interfere in my business."

Himeko grew pissed at the moment so she walked up to her and hugged her from behind. 

"Uhm, Himeko what do you think you're doing?" 

"Shhhhh, I'm better than her. I won't avoid you nor hurt you, and will always be by your side, not like her. Please, forget about her cause you have me!" Himeko whispered in Mei's sensitive ear and begone to kiss it. 

"mmhm, g-get of me!" Mei said and tried to get off her grip but failed. 

Himeko was about to kiss her neck, but Mei pushed her face away, got out of her grip, and slapped her. 

"What the fuck was that? If you do that again or talk to me like that I will leave you and won't want to stay friends with you. Understood?!" Mei asked angrily and glared at Himeko. 

Himeko gritted her teeth and looked down. "Y-yes..."


"Yuzucchi, is there something between you and the prez? You know you can always talk about it." Harumi asked and looked concerned at Yuzu. 

"Y-yeah I know. W-well uhm..." Yuzu answered nervously when she heard that question. Yuzu looked around the area and spotted someone she knew and made eye contact with the person. 

"Yuzu-Onee-chan! Long time no see." The girl said and walked towards the two girls. 

"M-Matsuri?! I missed you!" Yuzu said and hugged Matsuri. 

"Uhm, Onee-chan mind introducing your friend?" 

"Y-yeah sure! Harumin this is Matsuri Mizusawa my childhood friend and I see her as my little sister. Matsuri this is Harumi Taniguchi and we are friends since yesterday, my first day of school." 

Matsuri looked at Harumi and smirked. 'So Yuzu-chan is having sexy friends~?' Her thoughts were inputted by Harumi yelling at her. 

"Hey, brat! Don't stare at me like that, you pervert!" Matsuri giggled. 

"Ooo come on, can you be a little nice to someone you just met, senpai~," She said to Harumi with a small smirk. Harumi only gritted her teeth and grabbed Yuzu's hand and walked away from Matsuri. 

"Bye Matsuri! Sorry about Harumi, don't mind her. See ya around!" Yuzu shouted and Matsuri only waved her goodbye and went to a supermarket. 

'Taniguchi-senpai seems fun! And hot~!"

Mei went home and signed as she stepped into the empty house. 

"I'm home..." She mumbled and took off her shoes then went to her bedroom and threw herself into the bed. 'Today was really exhausting! I better take a shower then study a bit.' 

She walked towards the bathroom and took off her clothes reviling her smooth skin. She stared at herself a bit and moved her hands toward her chest, she put her hand on the scar and sighed 'this scar sure never disappear.'

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