Chapter 47

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Feeling someone shaking her, Mei opened her eyes slowly to be met with her girlfriend. 

Yuzu smiled at her and pecked her lips while removing some hair of Mei's face, "Morning beautiful" 

"Morning" Mei mumbled and adjusted herself on her side.

"Did my princess sleep well?" Yuzu asked while setting a tray full of food on Mei's legs.

Mei hummed and slowly sat up, "Thank you, but what is this for?" she asked chuckling softly.

"Oh, well since yesterday was tiring I thought of making you breakfast. Hito and Akino already ate and are now playing video games on the switch " Yuzu said while grabbing a fork to feed Mei.

Mei immediately glared at her, "Is that why they were squealing the whole time with that box?"

Yuzu gulped and mumbled a yes.

Mei groaned in frustration, "If they become addicted to that thing, I swear you are dead!"

Yuzu immediately nodded and grabbed some fruit from the tray, she motioned with her mouth for Mei to open up.

Mei smiled to herself and opened her mouth letting Yuzu feed her.

"mmhm~ You know you don't have to feed me right?" she chuckled at her.

"Oh, you don't know why I am feeding you?" Mei shook her head, "Ready to hear the reasons?" Yuzu asked smiling. Mei smiled at her and hummed, "Where should I begin with? Hmm... Okay, you are a queen Mei, and you should be treated like one. I love to take care of you in the good times and bad times. I know you secretly love this affection. I love to give and show my love to you no matter what the situation is. You are not only a queen baby, you. are. the. world. You are my princess and angel." she grinned and fed the blushing Mei once again, "Those were some of the reasons"

Mei blinked multiple times trying to process what she just had heard, "Q-queen?"

Yuzu chuckled at her, "Of course you are a queen. Everyone should treat you like that" she grabbed her hand placing a short kiss on it without breaking eye contact.

Mei felt her eyes water and couldn't stop the tears that fell down.

Noticing the tears, Yuzu let go of her hand panicking, "baby, did I hurt yo-"

Mei placed a kiss on her lips shutting her up, "Shut up silly. I am just happy to have someone like you in my life" 

Yuzu smiled pecked her lips once again, "I love you so much. Now, we need to get this food inside that stomach of yours, get you cleaned and ready" 

"Huh, why ready? Can't I stay with no bra, no panties and just wear sweatpants with an oversized shirt though? It's comfortable" Mei pouted.

Yuzu chuckled, "If you want to go to the ice rink and skate with them I don't mind" 

Mei's eyes widen and opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out.

"I know, you haven't skated for a long time but I just wanted to bring our really old memories back and with us matured up" 

Mei hugged her tightly while planting kisses all over her girlfriend's face, "Wait, who is coming?"

"Hito, Akino, my mother, you parents, K, Harumin, Matsuri, Noor, Himeko, Kira and her fiancee" 

"Oh" Mei's face dropped at the name of Kira.

Chuping Mei's face with her hand, "Don't worry about her baby, he is there and you will be surprised how much she loves him. I bet after meeting up with everybody they will disappear the whole time like they always do" she chuckled making mei smile a bit.


After Mei was done eating, she walked back to her room without any of her children seeing her naked and hoped in the shower. 

Meanwhile, Yuzu helped the kids get ready and changed into nice looking clothes. 

Trying her best not to look at Mei while washing her face.

"I know you want to see me" Mei giggled and turned off the shower. She walked out of it and saw how red Yuzu was while checking her out, "Lucky me, you don't have time to touch me" she took out her tongue.

Yuzu pouted and placed a kiss on Mei's neck, "can I choose your underwear please?" 

Mei raised a brow and wrapped herself in a towel, remembering she still has skincare to do, she sight, "Alright"

The blonde squealed and ran out the bathroom, "I am also choosing your clothes baby!"

"Oh my God, you two are so cute together" Ume said while hugging the both of them.

Yuzu smiled and hugged back, "Thank you mama"

Ume let go and looked Mei up and down, "How are you doing honey? She isn't a pain in the ass is she?" she asked chuckling while nudging her.

Mei chuckled softly and shook her head, "She is adorable aunt"

Yuzu huffed at them and crossed her arms.

"Mama, you are so mea-"

"MAMA! MOMMY!" The three looked behind them to see Hito in his seat knocking on the window.

"ZUZU! MOMMY! OPEN!" Akino joint.

"Oops-" Yuzu mumbled and opened the car door for them to jump out. 

Ume was kinda shocked at this, "Are they- Oh God" She leaned down and hugged the twin, "Babies, I am so happy to see you two" 

Mei nudged the giggling Yuzu hard and mentioned for her to explain to her mother.

"Ahem, mom, they are Hito and Akino our... um-"

"Our children aunt, Hito, Akino, say hi to mama's mother" Mei said smiling softly at them.

The two looked at each other before looking at Ume and mumbled a"Hi grandma" 

"Oh dear, you two are just like Mei" She hugged them again making the twin giggle.

"Okay you two, everyone is here and we are waiting at you five" Alissa said approaching them while kissing Mei's and Yuzu's cheek.

"Oh shut it Alissa, I just met my two cute grandchildren" Ume chuckled and stood up, she grabbed both their hands and headed to the crowd. Alissa followed right behind letting Mei and Yuzu the last to follow with their arms hooked together.

Removing her sunglasses, Yuzu grinned at their friends.

"Oh, our lovebirds are finally here" K smirked, she made contact with Mei and pointed at her neck. Mei grabbed her phone to check and blushed deeply seeing the bite mark Yuzu had left the other day. 

She nudged Yuzu's side hard making the blonde groan, "What was that for?!" she whisper yelled.

Mei glared at her and pointed at the bitemark. 

"Oooh, um hehe, Sorry for leaving it" Yuzu said nervously while scratching the back of her neck.

Mei covered the mark and smiled apologetically at the group, "Sorry guys for meeting me like this, but I need to use the bathroom. Don't wait for me, I will follow you guys" 

K chuckled and winked at her.

Mei raised a brow while walking and looked behind her to see Yuzu also excusing herself and following her. Sighing, she sped up only to be pinned against the bathroom walls. "What the fuck Yuzu!"

"Don't be like that with me Mei, here let me see it and I will hide it for you" 

Mei wanted to disagree but Yuzu put her finger on her mouth shutting her up, "I know you didn't bring any foundation with you, so don't deny it and let me help you baby" she said softly.

Mei groaned and gave in, the blonde smiled and kissed her softly before adding some foundation on the mark.

"Thank you"

"Anything for you baby" 

To Be Continued...

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