Dark 20: Darkness

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Black's POV

A month have passed ever since they gave us an additional mission. And I think everything is going well.

For the past weeks, we were busy making ourselves being acknowledged and feared by UC members. We will often show up in Hooligan's Place and show off our skills. We also interfere with mafia wars and gang fights just to beat them up and make them fear us.

At hindi namin inasahan na ganoon kabilis ang magiging progreso ng ginagawa namin. UC already know our existence and they now see us as the strongest group of heirs. They even gave each one of us a gangster name.

Death for me, Pain for Giovanni, Brutal for Ethan and Danger for Stephen. I find those nicknames corny and it don't suit my taste. But I also think it's fine since they named us based on the way we introduced ourselves in the battlefield.

Our mission also gave me a chance to know the boys more. Like what I heard before, Ethan really has knowledge about human body and that helps him win since he's the least in terms of fighting physically. He knows what's the best spot to hit in order to paralyze his opponent. He even brings puncture needles sometimes.

But what really made him earn the name Brutal is what he does after paralyzing his opponent. Sometimes, he'll hit his opponent's head with rock, or use a knife and slit his enemy's throat or just simply stab its chest several times. It was as if he's playing with his opponent's body.

Stephen on the other hand earned his Danger name because he's the battle starter. He attacks whenever he wants and he can be impulsive most of the time. And there was once a time Stephen gave a different aura I felt for the first time, it was as if his presence shouted danger.

That's why I think his name Danger suits him.

While Giovanni was named Pain by UC members because he's like a wall or a stone or something that can't feel pain. Siya ang pinakatumatagal sa laban dahil parang hindi siya nasasaktan.

He has high tolerance of pain. And I think that it's perfect for his defense.

And me? I don't really know why they call me Death. They said it's because of my aura or presence or something. But the hell I care.

I got to know their strengths in the battlefield and somehow, I feel thankful for that. May silbi din naman pala ang pinapagawa nila Mr. Zedler kahit na ginagamit na naman nila kami.


UC know us as Dark Kings or Kings but unlike Queens, we don't hide our faces behind masks. We freely show our faces to everyone.

That may give Secret Society a doubt if they want to recruit us, thinking that our parents are their enemies. But it's fine if they won't. We just need to get their attention.

And who knows if they'll start targeting us instead of Queens?

But on second thought, I also think this method won't work. Well, it has a chance but very low.

Sure, we can attract their attention. But I don't think they'll stop in trying to kill the Queens just like that. Instead, killing us and the Queens at the same time is what's most likely to happen.

At alam kong alam iyon nila Mr. Zedler. That's why I'm wondering why they still chose to make us do it.

Pero kung tama ako, hindi lang iyon ang dahilan kung bakit nila pinagawa sa amin ito. Maybe they lied again, telling us the reasons that are different from their real motives.

But even so, we'll still do it. Doing this is the only way to know what they want to happen anyway. But we'll make sure that after this, it will be our turn to play.

4 Dark KingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon