Chapter 14 just tell me

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Ryders POV

walking to lunch wasn't different then another day, me and Ashton are in the same class before lunch so we were walking together. i'm not going to lie, i'm quite scared to face Zina today. the fact she was bruised yesterday and that Ashton and Xavier seemed worried only stressed me out more, they knew something I didn't.

we passed by our lockers and changed our books to the ones for after lunch, our lockers were close to each other so it wasn't too annoying to go to both of ours. we walked in the canteen and I saw Cody and Amy already sitting at a table.

" hey guys " Cody said, I smiled at him as Ashton said hi back. around 5 minutes later Emily and Xavier came walking to our table. they had a pretty close bond due to Emily being Ashtons girlfriend, they acted like brother and sister because Xaviers and Ashtons family lost their sister. its sad to see a family break and see your best friend losing hope and happiness, he was only 5/6 when it happened I was 5 but I remember him crying so bad and just hating life, his family was nice but they became emotionless after their loss. their sister was adorable, we always played with her , we were the trio as they called us. as much as they knew I wasn't going to try having any sexual things with their sister they still never let me be alone with her, I miss her too, I cried to but I cant even imagine what they must have felt like.

they were pretty overdramatic back then, I was 5 for fucks sake at that age I just figured out that girls didn't have a ding dong.

" she isn't in school? " Emily asked due to it being 15 minutes into lunch already. " I haven't seen her yet. " Cody stated and the others nodded to his statement to show that they had the same answer.

Ashton and Xavier shared a look with each other but tried to play it off when they noticed me looking. " just fucking tell me " I stated trough gritted teeth. " I don't know what ur on about Ryder " Ashton said I glared at him but I didn't say anything else, I knew how he could get, he is stubborn and won't tell you if he doesn't want to.

" ill do anything you say if you tell me " Amy randomly said, she doesn't even care about Zina, it may sound rude but she just never talks about her. " no thank you Amy, I have a girlfriend, sitting right here. you call her one of you best friends right? remember ? you just want to do something you don't want to even know " Aston said rolling his eyes. one thing I know about Ashton is that he never liked Amy, he truly hated her guts the moment she wouldn't keep her hands of him if he asked, she's kinda desperate. but you know non of my busyness. " calm down Ashton she didn't mean it like that " Emily said petting Amy on the back.

this is the thing about Emily, she sees the bad in every single person, but from the moment she calls you her friend she thinks that you cant do anything wrong, and Amy is quite manipulative so that doesn't really match.

i was faced with my back to the canteen doors but it didn't  go unnoticed when I saw my brother gasp at what was behind me, I turned around to see Rocco smirking at me while walking to his table. his hands had blood on them and he knew I saw. if it was hers he is going to die.

I stood up and Cody tried to hold me back, but stupid dipshit didn't realize I wasn't going to beat them until I knew she was safe. so I pushed his hands off and walked out the canteen, everyone followed. " dude she isn't in school its not hers " Cody said " how are you so sure maybe she wasn't in lunch because they were with her? " I stated " okay thats possible bu- " " then shut up Cody " he did luckily

I knew what lesson she had before lunch so I went to that room but she wasn't there I looked in every class room on the way back to lunch because she was probably walking this way. the fifth class room I checked was the one. there she was laying on the floor, blood dripping from her nose and bruises starting to form, bandages on her hands, but those couldn't have been from them I mean they wouldn't be as sweet to bandage her up.

I ran to her and crouched down lifting her under her arms so her head was in my lap, Emily was the first to run into the room after me and gasped. she reached into her backpack and handed me a paper towel. I pressed it to her nose while slowly on everyone was in the room, Amy closed the door after her probably due to not wanting people to see a beat up girl on the ground.

Xavier came towards me with another paper towel and a bottle of water, he wetted the paper and cleaned the blood of of her face, her breathing was the only thing you could hear in the room, the struggle she had to breath was noticeable for me and probably also for the others.

the white bandages had red spots coming trough hinting us that those weren't for the outfit. I went and reached for them but Ashton stopped me " no, she gave u no permission to do so, let her tell us on her own time don't force it " I shacked my head no " no cause what if it is bad Ashton? what if we are too late ? " " I know but at least do it when she is awake and she says yes to it. " I let it be knowing he wasn't going to let me, and to be honest he was right it would be kinda respect-less.

I asked Cody or the hallways were cleared and when he said yes I picked her up and carried her to the car. " dude where are you going ? " " my mum is a nurse Ashton she could check her " " and my brother is a doctor but i'm not doing it right? you may be my boyfriends brother, and I understand after what happened that you wanne be sure but no Ryder, she's gonna wake up and choose what to tell us and what not. " I looked at Xavier " why should I listen to you guys when you won't tell me what is going on?  "

" Ryder they are right, she isn't going to like it, there is a reason why she's hiding it so let her decide. " Emily stated making me realize everyone here isn't agreeing with me. I looked at Cody and also him isn't at my side, he's nodding his head no signaling me that what I'm doing is wrong. I don't mean it as a wrong thing I just want to protect her.

I sight and I put her on the bench near us, I sat down making her head lay on my lap. " if she wakes up before next period I won't, otherwise i'm still going " they nodded and we all just sat in silence. Is it bad that I secretly just wanted her to stay passed out for the next 20 minutes? probably but I wanted answers.

Zina's POV

my head was laying on something soft rather hard too, i opened my eyes but closed them again because of the brightness consuming me.

when I opened them again I saw Ryder above me looking in-front of him, he hadn't noticed that I had awoken. why was I on Ryders lap?

i jumped up not wanting to lay on him, I didn't want to be a burden. of course with me practically jumping in the air everyone noticed me being awake. I went to stand up but dizziness overtook me and I fell down Emily was straight by my side while I clutched my head trying to stop it turning around.

" hey its okay, shhh , just calm down okay? I know it hurts but I got some painkillers i'll give you some after you eat something yeah ? " Emily said while hugging me and grabbing breakfast bar from her bag. she opened it and putted the bar against my lips due to me still clutching my head, I took a bite of it and this continued until the bar was gone. " thank you " I whispered in a rough voice, I was exhausted, mentally and psychically.

she gave me water and a painkiller I took it and handed her the water back but she pushed it back and told me to finish it, " you okay love?  " Ryder asked, " I could bring you to my mum and get you checked " I tried to hide the horror in my face but as much as that failed no one said anything about it " no but thank you, i'm fine " " no your not " he whisper yelled quite aggressive causing me to flinch, all of them looked with worry at me " ill be fine, I promise. I just want to go home " at that moment I looked at my hands not wanting to make eye contact with anyone but it made me realize the blood coming trough the bandages, or even just that my sleeves weren't covering them anymore, so I covered them

" what is it from ? " Xavier asked, he looked quite worried " I just burned my hand on the stove last night " I stated my half lie

" both of them and your arm ?" Ashton said, what he said was true tho it was a weird thing to all happen in one night. " i'm clumsy " I heard Ryder scoff but I kept quite, I stood up. " i'm going home I think " they nodded " we could walk with you or someone could drive you, you still look weak and ... " Xavier said. but Ryder cut him off " ill drive you " when he realized I was going to deny he just  sushed me and lead me to his car, not wanting him mad I listen and said goodbye to everyone.

xxx have a nice day/night

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