Untitled Part 22 I have no right

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Xavier's POV

it was probably a night I'll never forget, a night that will haunt me until I die. the sight of her father doing these things to her truly devastated me. why didn't I go and help is a question I still haven't answered to myself. maybe I was afraid of getting hurt. scared that it would cause her more trouble. scared that this was the truth and that parents did this to their children, its a truth I never wanted to face but I did, right in front off me.

it made me think of my sister you know, I don't want to make everything about her but I don't know where she is, alive? death? I don't know and I'm so scared I never will. I was only 4 years old when she went missing, I don't remember her much, only a bit but I hear stories and have this feeling that I miss something. something that should be here. her. my sister.

maybe she is getting beat up? tortured? starved? or worse? I don't know. but seeing Zina that night frignted me, I only saw a few seconds until that cruel creature decided to leave. I didn't really see him 'beat' her, but I saw him bite her. and I don't know or that is worse or not.

the way he ripped her skin of and just walked away chewing it like it was pig or something disgusted me. me and Ashton knew something in her house was wrong, hell my whole family knew. me and Aston had asked them for advise and explained her odd behaviors. my brother Micheal who is a therapist said that this wasn't normal behavior and that there was something wrong with her. we promised each other to keep an eye on her and to help her next time we heard her scream.

but when the time came that I could have helped her I didn't, out of fear. and it is truly ridiculous that I didn't. so I'm sorry Zz. am I going to tell anyone? Ashton probably maybe my family. but to be honest my friends, her friends? no, it's not my right to, but I can't watch her get ruined either.

this is what I have been thinking about ever since I had ran outside, how I feel guilty and useless to be honest. I was scared for her life I wont lie. she looked lifeless in the bathroom, I knew she wasn't but it looked like it. in the car I felt like I was even more useless, I understand Ashton's reaction but I will be honest, it hurt.

i let a sigh go and looked up to see my twin brother Xander look down at me, he gave me a smile and pulled me in a hug. even tho I was already crying I let everything go even more now and when he asked or I was okay I told him everything. everything that I knew and saw. everything that I kept hidden and bothered me.

Ryder's POV

" what did he mean ? " I asked facing my best friend. " Ashton, what did he mean? "

" Ryder just shut up for a second " he said to me looking down in frustration. but hell no I was going to let him tell me to shut up " what do you mean shut up, I have the right to fucking know Ashton "

" I know, but life is unfair Ryder. " he said while walking outside, where both his younger brothers had ran too earlier.

i wont lie that this frustrated me, I wanted to punch something but I knew I needed to calm down because this, wasn't helping anyone.




when they walked back inside I saw from their faces that it wasn't something good Xavier saw, that it was bad. even Xander looked upset.

" Xavier - "

" Ryder no, not now, not today please. it wasn't important " Xander stated going upstairs to his room. both Ashton and Xavier sat against the wall opposite I was sitting outside of Elijahs clinic. we sat In silence, I know what you are thinking, aren't you going to try and figure it out? no I wasn't. do I want to know? yes but if they couldn't handle it themselves then they would tell me. so they will make sure she is okay.

after a while Elijah walked out of the room and faced us. " she's fine " I let out a sigh at the same time that Xavier said " thank fucking god " and Aston looked up with a relieved look.

" did you check her hands ? " I asked still curios about what was hidden underneath those red stained bandages.

" that's not my place Ryder - " I tried to break him off and argue but he put his hand up and continued talking. " I needed to look at her head because she was losing blood and it would risk her health and life if I didn't, I rather would have gotten her permission but I never had, it's not like I could let her bleed out. "

he let out a deep breath " look Ryder I get your concern, from the stories that they have told I have some concerns too but I can't take off her clothes when I had no permission or it isn't life threatening, and yes I know what u are thinking ' it could be ' but we don't know that. we have no right to do something out of an assumption guys. "

all three of us nodded understanding. because honestly what he said was the truth.

the hard truth

but the truth

but don't worry princess, I will save you one day.

Emily's POV

when we randomly heard screaming coming from the bathroom and then the front door open me and the others ran out. all I saw was Xavier grabbing Ashton's car keys and running out of the house with tears running down his face. Ryder ran out straight after them and the moment I was outside the car was driving off.

did I know what happened? no. but I know it was bloody. droplets of blood lead to where the car of Ashton used to stand, and the other side of the droplets lead to the bathroom that was underneath Amy's stairs.

her fathers vase on the ground and blood on the cabinet, but worst of all the pool of blood on the floor.

" whose is it " I heard Cody ask from behind me. " I don't know " I answered taking a breath.

" it's hers isn't it " he said again, I nodded thinking the same thing. I just knew that right now I needed to make sure that none of us three called Ryder, Ashton or Xavier. they needed to focus on my best friend now.

when Cody saw my eyes and realized I was trying to work away the tears he pulled me in his embrace. so I did the same to him, I embraced him trying to get both of us to calm down or at least not start to panic.

" is she that pathetic, now she bleeding on my floor for attention too? little bitch " I heard Amy say from behind us.

i let go of Cody and turned towards her. " fuck you Amy " I said while getting into her face. she looked at me shocked and I felt Cody slightly pulling me back. but that didn't stop me.

" let me get this clear to you, open up your stuck up ears. ever since she has shown up you have been a bitch, she didn't do anything, she showed respect, hell she never even talked. but you on the other hand? you have been disrespectful and rude. when she passed out on school I saw you laughing, laughing at a passed out girl, really Amy? really? "

" if you hate her that much then tell me why? tell me why Amy? tell me why she deserves it. " I screamed at her, and like excepted she gave no answer so I continued yelling et her getting truly ALL my frustration out of me.

" see, thats the thing you don't have a reason! you just are a judgy bitch who is mentally messed up! you know what I want to do Amy? take every single moment of our friendship back and punch you In the face. at least you'll get some free plastic surgery won't you. fuck you Amy, FUCK YOU. "

" don't you even think about raising your filthy hands on my daughter " I saw David standing behind Amy who I was about to punch, I glared at him and started getting all my things together and I saw Cody doing the same. when we were both done he went and put our things into Ryder's car. he came back in to get the last bag and I took this as my chance to go up to Amy

and punch her hard in the face.

the moment she yelled and fell to the ground her father tried to grab me while glaring at me, but I was already in the car driving off with Cody.

i realized her true colors too late, how I watched her bully people. even myself and just let it happen because she was a ' good person ' was truly ridicules.

fuck you Amy

be glad I gave you a free nose job.

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