chapter 25 Lilana

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Lilana was the reason why I feared this place, not even Dante. not even the devil himself. and no Lilana doesn't hurt me, at least not on purpose. I don't fear this place because of pain or anything in that picture, I fear this place because I hate to see people in pain. to see Lilana in pain.

Lilana was a girl that I met the first time I was given too ' the devil '. the first time I went I was 10, it was as a punishment for trying to signal a help signal to a cop when we were at the mall. I was there for 2 days and it was hell. she was only 11 herself but she made sure he touched her more as me. and no it wasn't out of jealousy, she wanted to protect me. she wanted to save me.

my time there consist of watching her be in pain and getting a few actions myself. those actions hurt like a bitch too but feeling so helpless while watching him do that to her hurts. that's probably the reason why she tries to prevent it from happening to me.

she is pale, too skinny for my liking, scars littering her body way worse as mine and she has 2 different colors of eyes. she is pretty if she would be healthy and even now she is. every single time I went there she looked at me with confusion and wonder, like she had never seen anyone like me before. I soon figured out the second time I went when I was 12 that the reason of that was because I was the first girl she saw, at least before he locked her up. I don't even think the girl has ever seen sunlight, it's like she lives in that basement.

i woke up about an hour ago. my father hasn't noticed that because I kept quiet , I don't want him to knock me out or something. I don't know for how long I was out but probably for quite a while considering that the clock on the radio is at 5:40 AM, meaning that in a few hours maybe even less I will be facing everything again.




9:23 AM

" stay in the car " my father said getting out of the car and locking it, so uhm I am not even able to leave, stupid. he walked towards the front door and knocked. I sat up trying to get a better look at the situation that is going on. I watched the door open and Dante appeared from behind it. he had a smirk on his face and gave a glance at me causing me to look down. don't make eye contact. he doesn't like eye contact. you'll get punished.

I didn't look up again until I heard my door open, when I looked up I faced my father and he gripped me by my arm and forced me out of the car. he came near my ear and whispered " he paid a good amount of money, so don't fuck this up. " he looked at me and forced me against the car while forcing his lips on top of mine. he groped my breast and I tried to push him off without any success for me. when he finally let go he looked me into my eyes and said " have fun princess " he threw a punch at my eye and I fell on the ground " goodbye brat " .

he went towards the driver side and drove off, I just stayed on the floor not wanting to go into that house willingly, not when I know what goes on in there. I heard his voice laughing and coming nearer " well well look who we have here, its like every 2 years you come back, 10, 12, 14, now 15 " he laughed ' that's one year dumb ass ' I thought to myself, well apparently not so much to myself due to his next actions.

he gripped my hair and spit in my face " what did you just say you whore? you gonna act like a smart ass now " he threw a punch towards my face and then forced me on my feet forcing me to walk towards his house.

I tried to fight back but that went by unsuccessful. the moment we walked trough the front door he threw me to the ground and closed the door that was my last touch to the outside for the next 2 weeks.

he pulled me up again by my wrist that is still infected making me release a wince, but he just laughed at that and pulled harder making me go towards the door of the basement. the door of hell, I wasn't even near town. no I was like 8 hours away meaning no one was going to help me. meaning I was stuck here for so fucking long.

he unlocked the door with a code when he covered my eyes, he pushed open the door and forced me down the stairs towards the other door. yeah, 2 doors I know. all to prevent her from seeing natural light. because right now it was pitch black. he opened the other door again covering my eyes. and opened the door making me face the smell of metal, blood.

he uncovered my eyes and pushed me towards the floor and turned on the bad quality lights he had in here. he grabbed me by my arms and turned me around on the floor so I was now facing him. his face was right in front of mine. don't look in his eyes.

I felt him rip my shirt in the middle and afterwards my pants, I tried to force him of off me but he just wouldn't budge. his hands kept roaming my body touching me in places I wished I was still never touched. he repeated the actions of my father by also groping my breasts and ripping of my bra. he started sucking my right nipple while playing with the other but I didn't like it. he pulled of my underwear and started groping me there too.

my head still hurt so bad from earlier I found it hard to concentrate on my surroundings, especially due to my panicking state taking all of my energy. he unbuckled his belt and pants, he started whipping me with the belt making me cry out in pain. I heard some kind of movement from behind me but I had no time to look or it was her due to him pulling me legs towards him. he took out his penis making me cringe even more knowing he was planning to put that into my body.

he steadied himself between my legs but right before he was going to enter I did something, something because I didn't like what he was doing.

I screamed, I screamed as hard as I could hoping someone would hear. but it was stupid to think so. because right when I felt the familiar pain in my lower abonden there appeared a hand that placed itself on his bicep trying to push him away. the hand of Lilana that I had woken up. I looked at her side seeing that she was now even in a worse state as before. however the hand didn't stop him he just pushed her off of him and pushed her to the ground. oh how the roles have turned. 

I kept on moving against him but nothing helped he just kept on enjoying himself while I felt myself slowly losing mind, feeling weak already just from the thought of the next weeks. he kept going until he felt pleased. when he was dressing himself I just stayed on the floor looking to the ceiling " don't worry Lila I didn't forget about you, I just have a meeting " he said while walking towards her and kicking her in the face. I tried to look at her but he stood in front of me and I watched him grab my clothes " you wont be needing those " he said while again spitting in my face and pulling me towards the wall before cuffing one my ankles into a metal cuff and then leaving.

i let out a sigh glad that he was gone for at least 2 hours. i felt a hand on my wrist and looked up into the two un identical eyes, she didn't look into mine, probably due to the fact she never had anyone who gave her permission for that or just someone who made that seem like a normal thing.

i have never heard her voice but the worried look she had placed on her face explained to me what she wanted to know " I am okay " I whispered towards her. " are you? " I asked back because her nose was bleeding from when he kicked her. she nodded and again with the confused look onto her face. like she seemed glad to have someone like her. a girl. a female. a woman. all she knows is men, at least I still had decent parts in my life. she never had

Lilana never had those, at least not that I knew off.

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